What Is Everyones Obsession With 2d Shooters About?

Ikaruga is such a great shooter! I love it on my Dreamcast. This is a shmup that totally kills the idea of shooter's being nothing more than mindless shooting. Same goes with Radiant Silvergun. Those aren't my favorite shooter of all time, but I love them because it brings fresh game play to a genre that definitely needed it at the time. I understand younger gamers now a days not getting into 2D shooters if you grew up on n64, psx, ps2, GC, XBOX. Shooter's were a dying breed coming into the 32-bit era and 3D games becoming the norm kinda killed the genre. There were exceptions though if you owned a Saturn and imported games. I grew up on Atari ST, Amiga, Genesis/MD, PC-Engine, SNES. Those systems have amazing shooters. I even think some games on those systems would even be enjoyed by someone new to the genre. There's definitely quite a few shooters I dislike as well. There were so many at the time that there was quite a big handful of BAD shooters out there. If you just started this thread to say how much you dislike the genre that's fine (even though a bit unfair) but try some others before shunning genre as a whole. The other reason so many of us love these games on the gp2x and other systems is the nostalgia factor. It's nice reliving and playing these games again (especially on the go) when there's so much crap out now a days. Amazing graphics alone doesn't make a game really fun. I would give a list of some good shooters on systems the gp2x can do, but I feel you've already made a decision on shooters. All I'll say is try some that people mentioned in this thread. Especially Apidya and the CPS2 shooters.
WarmFluffyUK said:
For me the best scrolly shooter is Battle Squadron. But being just about the only girl on the forum, I'm bound to get told I'm wrong :wacko:

And why did I like it? Well it had heart poundingly good music, amazing graphics and excellent game play. The Amiga Ruled in those days....

Definitely best Amiga shooter. I wasted many an hour on that game.

For Arcade my favourite shooter is Dangun Feveron (Note, not the english version, it didn't have the same feel).
Fav PC shooter is rRootage. My favourite PS2 shooter is still a PSX title, Einhander.
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Galaga (arcade version) is still a thrill to play and to achieve a huge score you will need to focus and keep that finger pounding on the fire button. Without adrenaline you will not get far in a game like this.
One of my favorite games ever.
DaveC said:
darkman said:
edit: I remember playing something on the Amiga. It was a side scroller that had round space ships coming at you in a pattern. It was sort-of like R-type. I can't remember what it was, but I do remember that it was hard.

Blood Money maybe?

I've been googling for images. It looks close, I just don't remember all that much color. It has been a long time.
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classics rock, R-Type, R-Type LEO, Xenon2, IO, raiden, etc all kickbutt.

I'm not such a fan of the cave/psyiko stuff aka danmaku stuff. I dont like the every pixel on the screen is a bullet and your not meant to survive idea.

(and yeah ive played plenty of gunbird1+2+mars matrix and radiant silvergun)

macros plus was really nice in the arcades too...
freddykreuger666 said:
yeh shooting unlimited amount of spaceships with unlimited amount of bullets that come out in a stream, its just so boring, theres not sort of "environment change" obstacles or anything, and most of the time they are very easy, just spray and pray. why do some ppl like em
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YakumoFuji said:
classics rock, R-Type, R-Type LEO, Xenon2, IO, raiden, etc all kickbutt.

I'm not such a fan of the cave/psyiko stuff aka danmaku stuff. I dont like the every pixel on the screen is a bullet and your not meant to survive idea.

(and yeah ive played plenty of gunbird1+2+mars matrix and radiant silvergun)

macros plus was really nice in the arcades too...
Well, the big thing to consider about bullet-hells is that, unlike a slower shooter, the outer part of your ship and often the bullets do not have hitboxes. In fact, in some the hitboxes are in fact very very tiny. Hence, instead of dodging a few well-aimed rounds, the goal becomes to weave your way through the very edges of a mass of rounds.
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Auritribe said:
freddykreuger666 said:
yeh shooting unlimited amount of spaceships with unlimited amount of bullets that come out in a stream, its just so boring, theres not sort of "environment change" obstacles or anything, and most of the time they are very easy, just spray and pray. why do some ppl like em

get the fuck out my topic
and about the mass bullet things, this gets on my nerves as well, like noiz2sa with hardly any room to move, rather have less bullets but harder to dodge
opinion really, but i dont like shooters much anyways
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freddykreuger666 said:
Auritribe said:
freddykreuger666 said:
yeh shooting unlimited amount of spaceships with unlimited amount of bullets that come out in a stream, its just so boring, theres not sort of "environment change" obstacles or anything, and most of the time they are very easy, just spray and pray. why do some ppl like em

get the fuck out my topic
and about the mass bullet things, this gets on my nerves as well, like noiz2sa with hardly any room to move, rather have less bullets but harder to dodge
opinion really, but i dont like shooters much anyways

You realize that you're making the same complaints as a guy who hates 2D games, right?

I mean, I have to ask why you even bought a damn GP2X when you seem to dislike one of our most ancient and honored genres.
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yalborap said:

and about the mass bullet things, this gets on my nerves as well, like noiz2sa with hardly any room to move, rather have less bullets but harder to dodge
opinion really, but i dont like shooters much anyways
You realize that you're making the same complaints as a guy who hates 2D games, right?

I mean, I have to ask why you even bought a damn GP2X when you seem to dislike one of our most ancient and honored genres.

What? How is complaining about lack of breathing space related to 2D graphics? Don't be a genre-fanboy :P
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freddykreuger666 said:
Auritribe said:
freddykreuger666 said:
yeh shooting unlimited amount of spaceships with unlimited amount of bullets that come out in a stream, its just so boring, theres not sort of "environment change" obstacles or anything, and most of the time they are very easy, just spray and pray. why do some ppl like em

get the fuck out my topic
and about the mass bullet things, this gets on my nerves as well, like noiz2sa with hardly any room to move, rather have less bullets but harder to dodge
opinion really, but i dont like shooters much anyways


Shooting games, Puzzle Games, Platformer games.

Fundamental stuff.
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I bought my 2x for the arcade shooters (not the bullet-hell which seems to be so popular amongst the younger kiddies) and the console emulation puzzle/shooter/platformers.

The genre I find most puzzling is the beat-em-ups. This is a genre that obviously reached a pinnacle with the Amiga's first Barbarian game, and went downhill from then on. Capcom really did produce a hell of a lot of copies of the same game, didn't they?

I think the best fighting game is Mortal Kombat 2, hands down. Everything about that game is great, and I don't mean just the violence (!!), but also the easy learning curve. Special moves are easy to pull off, and a lot of stuff is very intuitive.

Back - Back - Down - Low Punch = :)
Dunny said:
Capcom really did produce a hell of a lot of copies of the same game, didn't they?

Would you be talking about Super Mega Street Fighter 2 Hyper Turbo Omega Vs some superhero team
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foleyjo said:
Dunny said:
Capcom really did produce a hell of a lot of copies of the same game, didn't they?
Would you be talking about Super Mega Street Fighter 2 Hyper Turbo Omega Vs some superhero team

You know, I just might ;-)

And the newest advances made in decrypting the CPS3 hardware means we can all look forward to more of the same! Yay!

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Dunny said:
foleyjo said:
Dunny said:
Capcom really did produce a hell of a lot of copies of the same game, didn't they?
Would you be talking about Super Mega Street Fighter 2 Hyper Turbo Omega Vs some superhero team

You know, I just might ;-)

And the newest advances made in decrypting the CPS3 hardware means we can all look forward to more of the same! Yay!


Resident Mega Super Street Fighter Alpha 3 ZX7 Battle Network Evil 4 Vs Capcom
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Hmm...I love me a good shmup :D

There's a lot of strategy involved in shmups, that is, if you play the right ones. I have to admit that I absolutely love bull hell, manic shooters. It's like adding a puzzle element to the gameplay and it feels so rewarding to successfully dodge all of those bullets and get to a new stage or break a new record. For the PS2 you should Cave's ESPGaluda, which adds an interesting scoring element of being able to slow down bullets to rack up more points (keeps things interesting).

For the GP2X, you should really try out some of the PCE/Neo shooters, like Soldier Blade for the PCE, or for the Neo: Blazing Star, Pulstar (R-Type with very pretty graphics), Strikers 1945 Plus, Twinklestar Sprites (Shooter with a puzzle element; very interesting!).

From what I've noticed, good shmups tend to be very difficult for the average gamer, so they require a LOT of time and dedication for some before they can be fun (I personally love a challenging shmup as it provides you with more plateaus to try to scale, which is very rewarding).
Some of my fav shmups for PS2:
- Ibara
- DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou
- Psyvariar Complete Edition
- ESP Galuda

For Dreamcast:
- Mars Matrix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ikaruga
- Zero Gunner 2 (its fun!)
- Lots of indie/homebrew ones on this platform. Too many to list :P

But one of my favorite "shmups" is a bullet hell simulator for the GBA called BulletGBA. It's of course a free homebrew game. Someone should try it out with gpSP. :P