What Is A Micro-controller?


Jan 4, 2004
On mashmods.com they just came out with the ability to use any controller on your GP32. They also have a controller available (which they call a Micro controller). I am interested in seeing if someone has a picture of a micro controller or has a link to one. Thanks :)
Usually the term Microcontroller is interchangable with Microprocessor. Hardware wise there is usually no difference, examples being the 8051 or the Z80 both of which are described as either by different people.

It is the use that defines the name, a microprocessor would be used for generic processing tasks, where as a microcontroller is used in a more specific manner (for example process control).

that all said, I would guess this has nothing to do with your request; which suggests the term micro meaning small and controller meaning game console controller. I just saw the micro reference and had to bite... sorry.
Traditionally A Micro-processor is just a processor core without space for program storage, and usually without any peripherial ports. A Micro-controller is the processor core, with some on-chip peripherals, like serial comms etc, and they usually have space for program storage. a Z80 is a microprocessor, a 8051 is a microcontroller. A rule of thumb is that a mircoprocessor can not operate without external I/O and Program storage, a microcontroller usually has these item in the same package.
just email mashomods and ask to see a pic or describe the micro-controller for you. i am sure they would do as you ask, since they are small and have good service.
This is the big SEGA one:

And this uses the micro-connector:

Hope this helps.