GP2X What If, Just Add A Fatter Back Cover To Gp2x And Add Everything!


Still Fresh
Mar 7, 2007
Hello all.
I don't own a gp2x. I have spent the last four days reading everything I could on the subject. I have ordered one, I am giddy...

Why must we have boxes, cables, PCB's??? connected the GP2X. All we need is someone in plastics to create a larger back cover, adding space at the top of the unit to satisfy all of our most kinky needs... :ph34r:

Add the following ports and some on the side if needed...

ONE: USB X2(I say two here cause of the next few additions) or x4 possibly a double stack or 2 instead of 4 spaced out randomly

TWO: The Breakout box stuff; video, audio, Serial(put this at the bottom in the middle where hands wouldn't be...) on second thought, you can get serial via USB or direct from the port... :P

THREE: Heres where it gets exciting another SD SLOT!!! or a CF slot!
A whole new set of storage ideas. One just for software that stays in, and the other as extra storage, pulling in and out of our phones and cameras. These could be added right onto the USB port that we didn't add on in item one... CF has much bigger storage at the moment, and then wireless,BT addons. Not that we need that when we move on to #4 heehee

FOUR: Bluetooth and/or WIFI
Your guys waited patiently for it... this could take up a quarter or more of the new space on a pcb connected the the new backplate. Maybe the new wifitooth chip? Combines both WIFI and BT into one chip... space and power saver :) Thanks to NETSURF3 for this "intergrated chip which uses approx 300ma for bluetooth + wifi both operating at the same time.Chip homepage"

FIVE: Add BIG lithium battery for whole unit, or one small extra for powering the new usb, and bluetooth. Perhaps adding two idependantly wired AA batterys for the extra power. Six AA's wouldn't be bad at all. ALSO on the topic of POWER. Could we recharge the batterys or power the device via a USB cable from computer,DC/ac to USB inverter? Build this into one of the new usb ports?

SIX, SEVEN, and More to come?Clock and CR battery for keeping it! Add this small IC on the pcb with BT/WIFI. Who in their right minds builds such a kickass Open Source system running linux AND not include a clock? And just possibly add in a MIC slot or somehow take out the old one and add one of those mic plus headphone plugs... Or add a physical mic in the unit. Could use a bluetooth mic possibly.

Well, I don't think its too impossible to get this done. A lot of hackers, proggrammers, hobbyists that could seriously make this a sweet PORTABLE MP3/GAMING/MOVIE/GEOCACHING(GPS)/LAPTOP( like internet surfing on tv, CD/dvd burn with external power/case), And oh so much more, I am too tired to go on... Must sleep... Peace out.