Ah, I have a Casio watch with barometer/altimeter too. Have to keep on calibrating the altimeter, because it uses the barometer data to know how high you are.
I stopped using it. The cell batteries it uses are as expensive as buying new watches, and it needs 2: one for the time, one for the sensors.
But yeah, you could see a drop in pressure (it has a nice graph), and then you knew it was going to rain.
Yesterday I bought a cheap Chinese phone (Android) from France. My WhatsApp stopped working on my iPhone (I get this message to upgrade, but the OS won't allow an upgrade because it's too old). I still use it, because I connected it to a webbrowser, where I can still reply (and it seems to survive hibernation, so that's good). And my Purism/LibreM has been delayed yet again, so I had no choice.