What Fanboy Are You

DarkMetroid posted on Dec 27 2005 at 05:48 PM said:
Yes fanboys are retarded. Its funny how they can't take the truth like how the Gp32, and Gp2x are both obscure shitty handhelds that have no place in any market to succeed within the current available handhelds. Its kinda cool as a collector's item, but not really. :(
If you feel the 32 and 2x are shitty, why are you on these forums? You basically just said they're not even good as collector's items. Leave if you feel that way....
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I'm a squaresoft fanboy, because most of the games are brilliant.

I hate xbox, not because it is M$, but because the games are horrid, all there is is FPS after FPS.
Goity posted on Dec 28 2005 at 02:36 AM said:
I'm a squaresoft fanboy, because most of the games are brilliant.

I hate xbox, not because it is M$, but because the games are horrid, all there is is FPS after FPS.
but on SONY BULLSTATION all there is is FF agter FF now they are releasing FFXIXICXIIXICIXIICIXIXIICICIIXIXI closely followed by FF Tactics XIXIXIXIIXIXIXIIXIXIXIIXIXIXI 30 mins later.
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Hmm..... I never thought of myself being a Fanboy. If ever I was a Fanboy it would be of space shooters. The arcade type like R-type, Galaga, Blazing lazors, Gradius, Space Maga force, Raiden, Mars matrix, to name a few. I can enjoy them on any game system. My signature says it all. ;)

Edit: Add Linux into this! I am a Linux Fanboy. :D
Agreed. Musicmatch is horrible, as is winamp.

Itunes is just easy to use. My dog can use it!
Boom Boom!

Hey, Bad Toad. Still loving my ebooks! Philip Pulman fanfiction is great! (well, some of it!)
Is there something I'm missing about Winamp? As far as I know, or care, it has the best DSP plugin available to any media player available. I listen to better-than-CD quality music (going by ear) with it. As for the clunky interface, Winamp 5 fixes that, with the modern skins. Itunes is so idiot-proof you have to pry open Apple's simple user interface to run some basic settings. Plus, it sounds horrible, no DSP plugins I've found matches (or beats) the one I've found for Winamp, if there is even plug-in support for Itunes.

And I'm no fanboy, I'm a creature of habit ;), and of reason...

Anywho, I'm not a fanboy of anything but last.fm. That page is used by so few people... I visit my profile every week to get neat stats on what I listen to.
daclassicgamingmaster Yesterday, 11:25 PM

D.C. said:
BTW, I hate f**king Sony (no opinion about the psp though), because they only care about money and don't give a s*it about their customers.

really? But Microshit does?

I guess thats why Sony fixed my ps2 with a broken warrenty seal 4 years later after a brief but friendly phone call.

Please don't talk out of your ass. All the major game companies are the same. psh

That Sony fixed your ps2 after 4 years is definetly an exception. It's a wonder your ps2 even lasted that long. I do agree that most major companies are the same (Mircoshit included). I still think this summarizes the Sony attitude best:

The Sony attitude

lubidog Yesterday, 11:28 PM Post #37

Yes, money is always the bottom line. Hating Sony will only make YOU miss out of some great games.

None of them work for charity.
Just because I don't like Sony'sattitude towards their customers doesn't mean I don't buy their products. if it's good then I'buy it. So I don't miss out on shit dude!
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So I don't miss out on shit dude!

That makes me happy, dude
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jesus you people keep butchering up the damn quote. Its not that hard ;)

and if I searched for fuji complaints or panasonic complaints, I guarantee I would find them. Just because you found the "sony attitude" doesnt mean they're the only ones
sam fisher posted on Dec 28 2005 at 07:20 AM said:
Goity posted on Dec 28 2005 at 02:36 AM said:
I'm a squaresoft fanboy, because most of the games are brilliant.

I hate xbox, not because it is M$, but because the games are horrid, all there is is FPS after FPS.
but on SONY BULLSTATION all there is is FF agter FF now they are releasing FFXIXICXIIXICIXIICIXIXIICICIIXIXI closely followed by FF Tactics XIXIXIXIIXIXIXIIXIXIXIIXIXIXI 30 mins later.
Which is why PS2 is my choice. Games are bountiful and released in plenty.
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Sonic the hedgehog comics fanboy, I defend the story and the awesomeness of the UK comics in comparison to the US counterparts* (despite their beautiful cover artwork which makes me buy them). As well as the superiority of the older games to the shitter 3D ones...although to be honest that doesn't take a lot of defending.

*Although a recent discovery on SonicHQ.org may have turned my whole stand point into a sham.

I used to be anti sony until I grew up and realised that consoles are merely platform and therefore can't be held responsible for a shit game or product.
hay the xbox fanboi who sed that sony just had ff game after ff game well ffxi is comeing to a 360 near you lol

yes i am an xbox fanboi i do own all 3 machines (xb ps2 and ngc) but my xb is my fav
beanfarmer posted on Dec 31 2005 at 10:27 AM said:
hay the xbox fanboi who sed that sony just had ff game after ff game well ffxi is comeing to a 360 near you lol

yes i am an xbox fanboi i do own all 3 machines (xb ps2 and ngc) but my xb is my fav

Plz lern2spel
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