What does come out of the box?


Still Fresh
Jul 14, 2003
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Hello, lads.

I am 99% sure to buy a Pandorars console. I have some questions doubt sure which you can help me with.

What is the available space of the console without any SDHC card?
And what out of the box applications are included?
Does it comes with a guide or any kind of documentation?

I have been going through the post and i'm missing (perhaps i didn't find it) a "how to start" thread. I mean, something that sort of lead you on how to do things/install applications/etc once you have open the box and take your brand new Pandora.

So how do you download and install whatever on it?

I'm looking forward to read your answers and to have the console at my reach

Thanks in advance for your help and time

It's got 256MB RAM and 512MB internal NAND flash, so there's some storage space even without any SD cards. As to the software it comes with, I'm not sure. It'll probably be a different answer from one day to the next, because the developers are busy writing and porting stuff all up to the day the device is shipped.

But you'll get better answers over on the gp32x forum. This forum was just temporary and is now a ghost town.
borgqueenx said:
i remember it had only 128mb of ram....is the 256mb true?
Yes. The original plan was to use 128 MB, but as the 256 MB part became available, the devs decided to upgrade. :)

Default software is (as far as I know) not completely finalized yet. Installation should be easy, via .pnd files - you just need to copy them to the Pandora via USB, or you can directly download them using the built-in web browser.
Define out of the box. A lot of software will be available (nearly|) right away, but you might have to download the most of it
i'm pretty sure there will be instructions provided on how to download and use programs for newbies.
if you don´t mind installing another os, i think ubuntu will run on it from day one. so you got all of the ubuntu repositories more or less out of the box.
hch said:
if you don´t mind installing another os, i think ubuntu will run on it from day one. so you got all of the ubuntu repositories more or less out of the box.
Not quite...
PoisonedV said:
hch said:
if you don´t mind installing another os, i think ubuntu will run on it from day one. so you got all of the ubuntu repositories more or less out of the box.
Not quite...
Indeed, Ubuntu is afaik not compatible yet since they lack the right drivers, etc, and you WILL NOT have access to "all of the ubuntu repositories" because only very little of the huge x86 repositories available on Ubuntu DE has been ported.
dflemstr said:
PoisonedV said:
hch said:
if you don´t mind installing another os, i think ubuntu will run on it from day one. so you got all of the ubuntu repositories more or less out of the box.
Not quite...
Indeed, Ubuntu is afaik not compatible yet since they lack the right drivers, etc, and you WILL NOT have access to "all of the ubuntu repositories" because only very little of the huge x86 repositories available on Ubuntu DE has been ported.

Well, actually...

Ubuntu 9.04 does have ARM support now.
Uhh, I thought a big hand came out of the box, and grabbed you by the face, and stuff...

...I mean, you will be able to use whatever applications are on the Pandora, but you will not be able to just "stick" applications on the NAND, AFAIK. It was said that the firmware that ships with the Pandora would not allow you to modify the contents of the NAND. Surely you have an old SD card that you can whack a few apps on though.
mazza558 said:
Well, actually...

Ubuntu 9.04 does have ARM support now.
True, but all the packages don't. Only those that have been recompiled so far (which probably includes almost everything on Launchpad, but still) are available.