What Colour Does It Come In?


Still Fresh
Nov 29, 2011
Hey all! :)

I'm a new member here at gp32x.de! It's great to be here.

I have a burning question, since I've taken an interest in the CAANOO. One which may seem very simple to the expert users but is actually very difficult to find concrete information on for a noob.

What colours does the CAANOO actually come in?

After checking numerous sites and eBay selling the CAANOO, I initially thought there were 3 colours. White, Black Only, & Blue/Black.
But, after looking for some time (and watching an overview by engineer by Mike Mroczek) it seems there are only two colours. White and Blue/Black.

I also found two model numbers for the CAANOO.

CA-100 :: Blue/Black
CA-101 :: White
CA-??? :: Black Only?

However, I've seen many photos like this:

CA-100 - Blue Black

CA-??? - Black Only?


Is there really a Black Only model, or is it just fantasy?

ALSO - Why do some White GP2Xs have a grey analog stick, and some have a white analog stick?



Why do some of the black models have a white setting behind the A,B,X,Y buttons, and some have black?

Sorry for my curiosity and silly questions. :)

I guess this is the best place for concrete info and closure on this.

Kind regards,

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Hi and welcome !

I never seen a black Caanoo. They all come black/blue or white.

I prefer the white one, but de pad seems to turn yellow with time.
Yeah, the blue/black one appears as either color depending on the light, but mostly looks black IMO.

I almost got the white one but it appeared to take on fingerprints more visibly, like it has a glossier finish. Not sure if this is the case.

I think some of those pics may be prototype Caanoos and/or conjecture. Notice one says 'Wiz' on the bottom of it.
Well, I'm shocked! :unsure:
I really believed that there were two separate black colours (black only & black/blue).
Damn! That makes it a more difficult choice as I was dead-set on buying a Black Only. But now I know the truth - it doesn't even exist! :(
Is the blue that noticeable? I can't be that bad because some of these photos don't even look like they have blue in them.

Now I'm edging towards the white ...


What are the pros and cons of each colour?
- Is it true that the white colour can fade with regular exposure to the sun?
- Does the white start to look dirty quite easily?
- Do fingerprints/marks show on the device quite obviously?

Any pros/cons with the blue/black version?

White Analog Stick
I noticed in some photos that one version of the white has a grey analog stick, and another has a white one. Is this true? Are there two different versions?

Last question ;) - If you were buying a CAANOO (for the first time or not - doesn't matter), which colour would you choose and WHY?

I'm sorry if my questions seem tedious, but it's important for me to choose wisely as it's a big investment for me.

Kind regards,

I have a white one; it doesn't look dirty or show fingerprints easily, and I've been playing it almost every day for a couple of months. I had my doubts before buying it (but chose it because it was $20 cheaper than the black model currently selling on eBay ;-), but I'm very impressed by how it's held up. I don't use it outside all that often, so I can't speak about fading from exposure to the sun.
I've got a white model too. Like BAFelton said, the thumbstick starts grey, but ends up a dirty yellow colour. If that sounds like something that would bother you, I'd go with the black/blue one instead.
I also have the White one. These dudes are correct about the analog stick getting a little bit discolored,...I'm assuming it's just from the oils on your thumb. The discoloration doesnt really bother me, and it's not EXTREMELY grimey anyway. I picked up a Grey jelly case for mine off Ebay and I love the way it looks on the white. I've had my caanoo for about 4 months now and it still looks new because I've kept it in a Case Logic case that I found at a thrift store. One of the pockets on this case just happened to be the perfect size for the Caanoo..so i consider myself lucky! Which ever color you decide on though, don't leave it out in the sun, and find a soft case to be able to keep it in whenever you aren't playing it. It will keep it looking new.
Those pictures of the all black one are just prototype photos. When they released the caanoo they only made it available in 2 colors.

Hope we were able to answer your questions!
zsonance said:
I also have the White one. These dudes are correct about the analog stick getting a little bit discolored,...I'm assuming it's just from the oils on your thumb. The discoloration doesnt really bother me, and it's not EXTREMELY grimey anyway. I picked up a Grey jelly case for mine off Ebay and I love the way it looks on the white. I've had my caanoo for about 4 months now and it still looks new because I've kept it in a Case Logic case that I found at a thrift store. One of the pockets on this case just happened to be the perfect size for the Caanoo..so i consider myself lucky! Which ever color you decide on though, don't leave it out in the sun, and find a soft case to be able to keep it in whenever you aren't playing it. It will keep it looking new.
Those pictures of the all black one are just prototype photos. When they released the caanoo they only made it available in 2 colors.

Hope we were able to answer your questions!

Thanks very much guys and gals, all of you. All your opinions really mean a lot. :)

DID YOU KNOW? :: It seems that the white one is more expensive than the blue/black on eBay. I wonder why that is?

If you were the chief designer at GPH and they asked you which colours we should make the CAANOO in, what would you tell them?
For me, I would say matte-graphite black would look cool.

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fdchris said:
zsonance said:
I also have the White one. These dudes are correct about the analog stick getting a little bit discolored,...I'm assuming it's just from the oils on your thumb. The discoloration doesnt really bother me, and it's not EXTREMELY grimey anyway. I picked up a Grey jelly case for mine off Ebay and I love the way it looks on the white. I've had my caanoo for about 4 months now and it still looks new because I've kept it in a Case Logic case that I found at a thrift store. One of the pockets on this case just happened to be the perfect size for the Caanoo..so i consider myself lucky! Which ever color you decide on though, don't leave it out in the sun, and find a soft case to be able to keep it in whenever you aren't playing it. It will keep it looking new.
Those pictures of the all black one are just prototype photos. When they released the caanoo they only made it available in 2 colors.

Hope we were able to answer your questions!

Thanks very much guys and gals, all of you. All your opinions really mean a lot. :)

DID YOU KNOW? :: It seems that the white one is more expensive than the blue/black on eBay. I wonder why that is?

The prices of the Caanoos being currently sold on eBay are based on whomever happens to be selling Caanoos at the time, coupled with whatever prices they happen to want to charge at the time. They change constantly. I bought my white Caanoo off eBay for $105, and I haven't seen one on sale at that cheap a price, since (I'm not bragging, just telling it like it is, and grateful :P ).
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Courtesy of shop.gp2x.de, I found some another photo of a CAANOO with white thumbpad:


However, on Mike's video review, you can quite clearly see the thumbpad is grey:

On the blue/black CAANOO, they also made the thumbpad with a blue/black plastic coating.
If the white CAANOO thumpad is susceptible to becoming discoloured, why didn't they make it white (as in the photo above)?
Hmm, I have a black one.. :/ There doesn't appear to be any blue under any light.
lnx64 said:
Hmm, I have a black one.. :/ There doesn't appear to be any blue under any light.

There actually is some blue in it according to Photoshop. Like I said, it's barely percieveable. It's just a little tiny bit more apparent if you turn it sideways and compare it to the gray trimming.

What does your model number say?
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Let me compare to the trimming.


Looks black though..
Under a flash sideways.


That's DEFINITELY black.. The only thing blue here is the LCD, and it's reflection in the bezel.

EDIT: Model number: ca-100
I took mine on a Pentax DSLR. Only post processing was just the RAW to JPG conversion and downscaling.

I'll take a pic in sunlight when I can next week. But I'm seriously not seeing the blue.
I notice that the thumbpad on the blue/black model is also different from the promo shots I provided. It's also rubber, but darker than the grey thumbpad on the white CAANOO.

Is the thumbpad on the blue/black CAANOO as susceptible to discolouring like the one on the white?