What Are You Wearing?

Does no one wear any underwear apart from saintdragon ?

For the record, I'm wearing black socks, black boxers, black jeans, black t-shirt.

I like black :)
DemonStar55 posted on May 6 2005 at 06:41 PM said:
1UP Mushroom shirt

and my penguins and old pants w/ lots of holes

Im surprised no1 said slacks, its such a fancy word B)

Slacks And A Sexy Plaid Half Length Shirt :P

Oh ya, someone answer this plz all i want is the name of the game BOR music is ripped from, or a website with it :unsure:
Click Here
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I'm now wearing a different set of jeans and a blue t-shirt. how er.. different from what I was wearing yesterday
PinkSpider posted on May 7 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
I am now dressed for tonight in black cords, complete with pink handcuffs and a grey tshirt.

u can tell he lives near brighton *derogatry wink*
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