What are /tmp/currentuser and /tmp/currentuid for ?


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
Hi !

Are they used by some .pnd ?
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They are used by some scripts that need to be run as root to tell them who the currently logged on user is.
Ok, thanks.

And who create them ? It's Slim or Xfce ?

---EDIT :

I see they are used by the automounter.

It's a bit dirty no ?
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As far as I can see sudo/gksudo etc set a SUDO_USER and SUDO_UID/GID variable and su does not change USERNAME, that could be used as well I suppose.
@Linux-Swat: AFAIR they are set from within the xinitrc-process, i.e. after logging in with slim while starting X.

@Letalis: I can't come up with an example right now, but I remember that i have been in a situation where I was writing a script and where the SUDO_USER/SUDO_UID/GID are not available or helpful. Thankfully ED pointed me to /tmp/currentuser back then.