What Apps Do You Want On Gpx2


Heroic Autobot
Feb 3, 2004
New York
I was looking over this thread and thought while it's asking what Opensource apps we can port to the GPX2 from linux it doesnt really touch on the stuff we have now. After a few mentions of what we might lose in the move to a new platform I thought maybe it'd be good to have a thread where people voice what they want to suvive the move.

Personally I'd like to see:
-Fenix (and all the games made so far)
-VNS (a new platform might even spur me to start coding for it!)
-Beats of Rage (or has there already been a port of this for Linux?)
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Great choices... although I was refering more to stuff we have on the GP32 that you'd like to be ported, the other thread is more for what Linux stuff you want ported.

OH! I totally forgot about the Lynx Emu. I'm hoping to see that make the trip over as well.
well I know NOTHING about linux, so I don't know what programs were made for it or anything like that, but I'd be willing to bet that there's an NSF/GB/SPC player, if not a combination of all 3... as well as other players for other videogame music formats as well... I would definitely like to see some of those, specifically NSF and SPC show up on the GPX2. The files are a lot smaller than MP3s, WAVs, or any other music file format that I know of(except maybe MIDIs, but those suck anyway most of the time), and it's all the original music files taken directly from the original cartridges/ROMs, which is usually much better than any MIDI or OC remix in existence. Other than that... I can't really think of anything.
I would like to see !reader on GPX2 because of it's zip file support (I have over 1000 text files on my GP32 right now) and it's excellent functionality.
I too know nothing about linux but I would really like to see VLC ported (its one of the greatest video players ever) also Mplayer which I want because it works with h.264 (AVC) well I want any program that can play h.264.
I`d like to see a decent two pane file manager just like GPFM With zip/rar support, Picture viewer, Mp3/mod/ogg etc music player, Text viewer etc, All multi threaded. Plus the ability to launch the required app/program (if installed) for files selected/clicked on in it`s gui.

A html viewer/web browser (off or on-line).

DrMD :wub:

A good database program.

Falling (the first version for GP32) :)

Just about all the good GP32 devs are getting a GPX2, so I'm not too worried about losing any apps. In fact I'm far more excited by what new things we'll see. Those Linux games are excellent examples of what's possible.

On a slightly different topic (but still enough to be about apps for the gpx2)...

Who would like to see an emu running full speed whilst playing an Ogg or MP3 in the background?

I'm guessing that this will be possible for some emu's, eg. zx81, c64, pcengine, etc.
My own app, as soon as possible! Hope that'll be straightforward gcc loveliness.

To trooper about RAR support in a file manager: unlikely to happen. The compression methods used in any modern incarnation or RAR are patented or similar, and any free uncompressor tends not to be able to deal with it. Bit of a personal gripe, that...
Squidge posted on Aug 31 2005 at 10:26 AM said:

On a slightly different topic (but still enough to be about apps for the gpx2)...

Who would like to see an emu running full speed whilst playing an Ogg or MP3 in the background?

I'm guessing that this will be possible for some emu's, eg. zx81, c64, pcengine, etc.

Some of the X-box emulators allow you to play music, in the background. I think most games incluse there own music so its a little annoying. Not that its a feature I would mind in an emulator I just think my prorities are different, Now in the menu interface I think it would be cool to have a little looped track of something ambient.

Raine I notice has added some funky features just lately(curse its x86 core). Like PNG screenshots and Video. It also a feature that I loved that would be cool it allowed you to set the resolution different from what you saw on the screen rather that stretch/resize. A sprite ripper could be a little funky. Although I do think most people will have a desire for compression other than zip(most would want 7z but I'm more bzip man myself).
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Support for Zip files would be good enough for me, Rar only complicates life. 7z and Bzip don't seem to get much use from my experience. the only time I ever used either was for maybe two programs in my entire time online.

I don't know that I'd care for an Emulator that let me play music int he BG unless it was a game with truly bad music I was playing. Maybe for puzzle games or a racing game with weak music I'd use it though. I've never played a PCE/TG16 game that I didn't like it's music even when the game itself sucked.

You know what I'd really like to see? and it's something I just spoke about with a friend, Cave Story ported to either the GP32 or the GPX2, I know they have a version for both PC and MAC and the creator allowed someone to make an english patch for it. This would be a very deep and enjoyable game to play on a portable, it even has multiple endings. Prehaps the creator would pass along the source code if someone wanted to develope it for a handheld.
:rolleyes: Sprite ripper.....BG music....these are all "funky" ideas but I would like Metal Gear Solid REMADE and no not ported :angry: (I can't find the source, but I can get the ROM <_< ). Better graphics, updated music(may the BG music idea could be used), and better controls would make this game a 200000000000000000000000000 out of 10 :D . I remember how they made it for the GBC using only 4 main buttons :lol: .
Alpha2 posted on Aug 30 2005 at 10:40 PM said:
Is h.264 really that good? I thought it was supposed to be inneficiant compared to other codecs?

yeah, it's supposed to be the best and most efficient..it's that AVC stuff.
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