I have extracted frodo to my sd card and i get options in game menu for frodo and frodo pc when i select it just goes back to main menu. I have installed sdl libarys on my gp2x i have snes and nes and quake all running i am lost
Sorry I have formatted the card now and just copied the c64 em to the sd card no folder just on the card and when i try to run it it just goes back to main gp2x menu
i dont even get the emulator pop up it just reverts back to main menu the only thing i see is being able to select frodo or frodopc in the main game menu as soon as i select on it just goes back to gp2x main menu were you select photus video ebook etc. dosent even start the emu ?
i ll try other roms
yeah i have read the read me still no joy i have everthing else running snes nes and hoebrew games just a bit miffed i have put the roms in a folder and just left the roms on the root of sd card weird nevermind thank you all for your help cheers!!!!