Certified Guru
Well they were right on time with their relaunch. Not quite the impact they were hyping, but it does look like they are getting somewhere.
They've redesigned the console and I have to say it looks pretty nice. My problem with the whole thing is the TiVo attitude they've adopted. Internal storage only, and for the thing to work, you will be forced to pay a subscription to access the content. Since the device is free, I can imagine this subscription will be limited to a year (or 2 year) contract.
Subscriptions are the worst thing to ever happen to the games industry. I do not want to ever get my games this way. And I will *NOT* ever pay extra money to be able to use my product that I have already recieved. I have huge problems paying any money monthly no matter how small. When I buy something I expect to be able to use it for life without having to pay someone extra money. I expect to be able to trade it with my friends without problems and, if I choose, I should be able to sell that product.
None of this is is Infinium Labs fault, they are just going with the current trend. A trend that has only succeeded because the average consumer is happy to let big coorperations ass-fuck them into paying over and over again for a product you should rightly own. In fact at least Infinium labs isn't selling the device to you in the first place.
Anyone who owns a TiVo will understand what I mean. A TiVo is just a damn box, it records and plays back television. I don't pay a subscription for my VCR, I shouldn't have to pay this for a TiVo. If you want to get extra functionality such as the ability to play your shows across a network to other TiVo's in the house, you must pay more money onto your subscription to activate this functionality (The functionality that already exists in the damn box that you have already bought). They just check a box on your subscription package and you magically have this service.
The idea of having regular money coming in from your users is obviously really tempting for the average company, but they have got to realise that it is just plain wrong to do this. If they do, they will loose me (and I hope you) as a customer. No matter how good their product is, I will avoid it, or crack it.
C'mon people, we have got to boycott this crap. Not just the Phantom, but any product or any game that is based upon a subscription scheme, just to make sure you keep paying.
Years down the line when we are buying these things off ebay, half of it won't work any more. The companies that run the server side of things will no longer support the network and we will have nothing but a functionless device.
They've redesigned the console and I have to say it looks pretty nice. My problem with the whole thing is the TiVo attitude they've adopted. Internal storage only, and for the thing to work, you will be forced to pay a subscription to access the content. Since the device is free, I can imagine this subscription will be limited to a year (or 2 year) contract.
Subscriptions are the worst thing to ever happen to the games industry. I do not want to ever get my games this way. And I will *NOT* ever pay extra money to be able to use my product that I have already recieved. I have huge problems paying any money monthly no matter how small. When I buy something I expect to be able to use it for life without having to pay someone extra money. I expect to be able to trade it with my friends without problems and, if I choose, I should be able to sell that product.
None of this is is Infinium Labs fault, they are just going with the current trend. A trend that has only succeeded because the average consumer is happy to let big coorperations ass-fuck them into paying over and over again for a product you should rightly own. In fact at least Infinium labs isn't selling the device to you in the first place.
Anyone who owns a TiVo will understand what I mean. A TiVo is just a damn box, it records and plays back television. I don't pay a subscription for my VCR, I shouldn't have to pay this for a TiVo. If you want to get extra functionality such as the ability to play your shows across a network to other TiVo's in the house, you must pay more money onto your subscription to activate this functionality (The functionality that already exists in the damn box that you have already bought). They just check a box on your subscription package and you magically have this service.
The idea of having regular money coming in from your users is obviously really tempting for the average company, but they have got to realise that it is just plain wrong to do this. If they do, they will loose me (and I hope you) as a customer. No matter how good their product is, I will avoid it, or crack it.
C'mon people, we have got to boycott this crap. Not just the Phantom, but any product or any game that is based upon a subscription scheme, just to make sure you keep paying.
Years down the line when we are buying these things off ebay, half of it won't work any more. The companies that run the server side of things will no longer support the network and we will have nothing but a functionless device.