Weird Killer Pingu Game


Still Fresh
Jan 4, 2005
when i was serving in the forces at some hell whole radar unit when there was nothing to do, i got an e-mail with a link on for a cool little flash game where you were this big bear guy standing on the right of the screen and you whacked a penguin with a bat from right to left and see how far it could go!

there were different versions too like rubber pingu where he little sod would just bounce for miles, it passed away a few boring shifts for me hahahaha

i cant for the life of me remember the real name of it and i dont have the link no more :( anyone know what the hell im talking about?

and if anyone does know what im on about, do you think anyone would ever bring this awesome game to our wonderfull GP32?

Fingers crossed..........
this might help... It's on the same site as crisom/green/velvet room, I've played it too and it is amazing, some great flash games out there.
Yeah, that's definatly what he's on about.
I'm sure something like this could be done for the GP32. It could be done from scratch or maybe the guy who made it will let you borrow his action script. :D
Also there may still be a flash player one day. Also the game's been realised on mobile phones, probably even less chance of getting the source of that though....
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