Well I was wondering how good the web browser is, as I plan to get a GP32. I have mobile internet through my N-Gage, but the screen is too small and the browser is just horrible for going to any real sites..
well the web browser is probably finished sitting in GamePark's headquarters or something... they haven't released it, nor have they released their flash player. Maybe they are waiting until May so they can release them with the euro launch :huh:
Around launch time game park was promoting the gp32's internet capabilities. The plan was to have it connect to a moble phone so that you could use a web browser or play multi player games on the go. They even made a prototype cellphone with built in gp32 technology to show it off. Shortly after the gp32 came out they droped these plans and it hasn't really been talked about much since. Even if they had gone all the way and done the whole internet thing a majority of us would not be able to take advantage of it because the original plans would have only been compatable with korean phones. Game park is a small company and at times like now when the company doesn't even have any units of it's one and only product it makes you relize just how small they are. They have hight hopes for this system and I feel like they are doing what they can with the resources they have. It just seems like they are so small launching the system in other countries has been a real struggle. As well since the system isn't that widely available it seems hard for them to get good software developed for it. I remember way back their was talk of a few diffrent capcom games being created for it but that like many other products have become vaporware.
I'm not a developer and i lack the skills to even begin, so i've always resisted the temptation to ask is anyone is working on such-or-such a desirable project... i'm extremely grateful for the efforts and generosity of all of our talented programmers.
but i'd love there to be a browser app capable of rendering .htm .html and .mht pages. Nothing too complex (don't need asp or jscript or whatever) but a simpler text and image rendering browser would be very nice.
I wonder if any of our developers has considered porting one of the gnu browsers ?
Magellan, i wasn't thinking of the browser being able to talk to an underlying network layer, merely (sp) of the possibility of being able to read web pages offline.... like in bed at night.
Getting the GP32 talking to an external modem is childs play. Getting it talking to a Ericsson or recent Nokia phone is even easier (no PSU required). The problem would be the PPP & TCP/IP layer implementations.
Some news/game websites offer a smaller webpage specially for avantgo, like you get on PDAs. These are designed to be synced and read offline. It would be cool if the GP32 had this funtionality. There would proabably have to be some PC side utility to manage the downloading and syncing of the pages though.