Way To Send Donations For Notaz


Coltrane Sundia
Aug 7, 2004
Visit site
Notaz has done some amazing work on the GP2X, including the stunning PicoDrive (making use of the 2nd CPU core) and a new version of SquidgeSNES. I wanted to send him a donation (he mentioned needing some tools for development--bob, power supply, Tv out, etc) to show my appreciation, but he is not able to get a Paypal account in his country.

Good news -- EvilDragon will accept Paypal donations on his behalf, and send him the gear he wants (any extra money will be sent along with it). He has also very kindly said he will donate a breakout board himself :)

If you want to send a donation via Paypal, send it to shop_at_gp2x_dot_de_removethisspamprotection and BE SURE TO STATE CLEARLY THAT THE PAYMENT IS A DONATION FOR NOTAZ so ED can sort out what's what.

Also, Notaz has said to please only donate for work he has already done, not for what he may do in the future, because you never know when "real life" will interfere and render him unable to do more :)

Donating to any devs whose work you enjoy (homebrew games, applications, etc) is an excellent way to support the GP2X community.
picodrive is worth it, i dont have paypal myself, but im gonna have my dad use his account to do it
Thanks for this info, gaterooze!

Money on its way...


P.S.: Of course notaz for guru...
I took care of the "Notaz for guru" requests, you lot of lazy sods :lol:
aapje89 posted on Oct 19 2006 at 12:39 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Oct 19 2006 at 06:16 PM said:
I took care of the "Notaz for guru" requests, you lot of lazy sods :lol:
nice :),
why that bloody avatar by the way?

Because I like GG Allin. :)
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Aninhumer posted on Oct 19 2006 at 02:50 PM said:
Is it blood or poo, I can never tell...

Sometimes it's both ... :ph34r:

BOT: <3 Picodrive!! :D
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From what I've figured, he's done considerable work on Cyclone as well, which powers PicoDrive and DrMDx... so, yet another reason to donate.

Edit: sorry for the gravedigging.
TelcoLou posted on Oct 19 2006 at 05:42 PM said:
aapje89 posted on Oct 19 2006 at 12:39 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Oct 19 2006 at 06:16 PM said:
I took care of the "Notaz for guru" requests, you lot of lazy sods :lol:
nice :),
why that bloody avatar by the way?

Because I like GG Allin. :)
doesn't ring any bells :P
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damn, i wish i had money to donate (im dead broke) but ill try and figure somethign out (cause i do love both said emu's!)
Moxie posted on Dec 5 2006 at 07:24 PM said:
aapje89 posted on Dec 4 2006 at 05:29 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Oct 19 2006 at 05:42 PM said:
Because I like GG Allin. :)
doesn't ring any bells :P


will probably tell you more than you want to know :-)
That guy's philosophy... I just can't form a concise written opinion on it, although inside I know exactly how I feel about it. The guy milked his hatred of convention for all it was worth, and I think that if everyone would be like that - of course, to a much, much milder extent - everything would be much better... less fake smiles, less fake 'how are you'-s... See, it's hard to put it in writing.

- Alex
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Dammit! Seems like i cant even upload money into paypal account due to our stupid Bank System...

Oh, wait, is there any way to donate via Western Union?
I`ve ordered my 2X that way (thanks to the shop support).
Since I don't have a 2x anymore I can send him my home-made USB power supply and my tv-out cable (if I'm able to find such thing over here), if no one has already done so.....?
I just gave a little something now to say thanks for PicoDrive, as I really think notaz deserves to be rewarded for his efforts on this great emulator. Come on guys, show some e-money love!