Waves hello again

Welcome back- not sure if original member or not but some people say I'm an original... something or other.:D

Exophase and several others are still here, some reverted to their old forum names when we updated the forum software- not sure who's who anymore.

Eds original right? Well he only bloody owns the place, so yes.:D
Welcome back Fluffy, always good to see a regular from the GP32x days :)

Welcome back, Looking at your post history looks like you left just around the time I started here... Although I lurked on the page when first hearing about the Pandora, just never felt the need to create an account until I preordered the Pandora.
I'm an original... just not the original you were asking about.


I have a cc Pandora I got from Craig. I count myself one of the lucky ones.

Sent from my GT-S7580 using Tapatalk
hello! glad to see some of the old members sometimes making a come back. How've you been?