Warraty Voiding

have you opened your 2x

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Dec 27, 2005
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everyone seems to be opening up there 2x and i was wondering is it really a good idea to void the warranty? i really would like to put some of those heatsink like pads inside of mine so i can clock it higher for longer, but i fear that one dy i may brick it or something else may happen. i would like to know how many of you guys have actually opened up your handhelds and think i should just open it up as well
I lost my fear of opening handhelds after installing an AfterBurner in my GBA.

I had to open up my GP2X to get rid of some rouge dusties that stuck to the screen cover.
im not to scared i will ever break the actual unit its just im scared of brickage, if i brick it; i will be able to unbrick it though, right? or at least be able to ask someone to help me unbrick it :D

and does anyone know were i can get some of the pads that were in the first addition gp2x units other than from a Dream cast?
Why do you want the pads? I actually took off the top one, since it seemed to have caused some undue pressure on the LCD.

It's not like there's a Pentium CPU in these things ... no need for 'thermal pads', IMESHO
Yea there isn't a VOIDED warrenty seal or anything, if you're not afraid of breaking it I say go ahead. I did it.
I think it maily depends who you bought it from, gp2x.co.uk will replace your unit regardless (well perhaps not if all the parts are missing).
It would be too complex to argue every case seperately, it's less time consuming just to replace the unit.
Chances are, they'll sell it to someone else once they've fixed it.
I opened mine up to get the joystick centred, I had some idea of just shifting the whole motherboard to one side, after I realised that the top didn't just pop off I admited defeat and screwed it all back together again. Fixed the joystick problem though and no ones the wiser.

Wouldn't overclocking it void the warranty anyway? especially if it over heated.
if you brick it, DJWillis is unbricking units for free i think if they are severely bricked and you cant unbrick it yourself.

jislizard: how do you realign the motherboard? it sits firmly on top of some plastic posts in mine, so i cant move it at all.
I asked gp2x.co.uk if I could open my unit to bend the LEDs into position, when I got my unit they were pointing too far down.

They said it was fine to do it, but obviously they couldn't be responsible for any damage I might cause while doing it.

Sticking extra stuff on your unit might invalidate the warranty, opening it won't.
I may have to open it, as it no longer runs on batteries for some reason, despite using a 3V regulated PSU, which is what it says it needs. I don't want to send it back, because my entry in coding competition would be impaired. Any ideas on what could be causing it?
TelcoLou posted on Feb 8 2006 at 03:43 AM said:
I had to open up my GP2X to get rid of some rouge dusties that stuck to the screen cover.

Hmm, I might do that if I can remove some of the dust on the screen - I've got a nice black blob on it and it's really irritating - thanks for the tip.
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how did u get rid of the dust from the back theres no way to get to the screen from the back?