I am the king of the collectors, with hospital bed
I just found my Pandora under a thing. Shameful, I know. I got it back in July or June (I forget), the LCD cable (one of the last of the bad ones) failed a couple weeks later, and I didn't want to deal with our postmaster to send it to England (he is an unpleasant man).
I emailed, the address I talked to last time I had it repaired, and I haven't received a response. I ordered it from GBAX within the first twenty minutes of preorders.
Who do I talk to about having it fixed so I can get back in the scene (and do something other than restarting Pandorapress when it goes down
I emailed, the address I talked to last time I had it repaired, and I haven't received a response. I ordered it from GBAX within the first twenty minutes of preorders.
Who do I talk to about having it fixed so I can get back in the scene (and do something other than restarting Pandorapress when it goes down