Warranty On Hardware?


Still Fresh
Mar 17, 2008
Hi all,

I just found out about Pandora the other day and it sounds like it's going to be a great little device. I know that once my co workers find out about this, 10 or so more devices will be ordered...

Like someone else on the forum, I was going to buy a new GP2x, but will probably wait for a tiny bit until the Pandora comes out.

If I'm an early adopter I don't mind waiting for software to develop for it and frequent updates to the firmware/OS. Bugs are part of the early adopters.. No biggie. I'm ready to be the first in line for it.

My concern is this: If I plunk down somewhere in the neighborhood of 300-350 for something, I'm hoping that I'll get some sort of hardware warranty with it. 3-6 months into production, if there are issues, I hope the early adopters get taken care of. I know that all that stuff is usually ironed out as production starts, and I'm a little early for these sorts o' questions. I just figured I'd ask.

I'm saving up my $$$ as I type, for this little baby. The prospect of throwing a Two SDHC cards in it and have all of my libraries of my old school computers and games is VERY exciting.
There will be the usual warranty as with all electrical goods, and Craig has says any major faults discovered in early adaptor units will have replacements.