Warning about 6-in-1 internal card reader


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Jun 25, 2003
I watch a lot of video on my GP32, and spending 15 minutes just to transfer a couple cartoon episodes with the USB cable was getting on my nerves. So I went to Ebay and started searching for SMC readers. I found a 6-in-1 reader that fit nicely in an empty 3.5" drive bay and thought "what a great idea!" I got one with "buy it now" for less than $17 with free shipping.

Yesterday the reader arrives, so I eagerly install it and try it out...

Nothing. Windows XP found the device straight away and installed the drivers, but When I insert a SMC I get nothing.

I ran a search on the exact model number (UCR-61S2B) on google and found quite a few message board threads concerning this product. It seems a lot of people had the same proplem, and I'm not seeing any solutions...

Finally I find an explanation. These readers were made by motherboard manufacturer ECS, and they ONLY work with ECS motherboards. There is NO WAY to get them to work with any ather motherboard. I have an A-Bit mobo, so I guess I'm screwed.

Of course this helpful hint was not mentioned in the ebay auction I bid on. Nor is it mentioned in any of the other 130 auctions for the exact same product.

I'm telling this rather long story so that nobody else makes the same mistake. I figure MOST GP32 owners get an SMC reader eventually, so chances are somebody else will see this particular reader and think, just like I did, "What a great idea1"

Here's a pic of the reader so you know what NOT to buy:
..and then purchase a kickass Enlight one from Newegg. Works like a charm and looks good in a floppy bay, if that matters to you.


Model ReX-D01, and the Biostar model looks pretty good too, for a few bucks less.
The company that sold me the reader has sent me an RMA # and I will be shipping it back on Monday. They did not really believe that the reader was at fault, but they were too afraid of negative feedback to argue too much :)

Considering how many people have had the exact same problem, and NONE of them have ever resolved it, I doubt it's something I'm doing wrong.

Jot2b: Looks good. I'll probably order one after (if) these ebay jokers refund my money.
wha? did you get one that uses ide cables? I would doubt thats a good choice. Im only getting a usb one...later...
maybe you could fiddle with your bios?
Mofokubik posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
wha? did you get one that uses ide cables? I would doubt thats a good choice. Im only getting a usb one...later...
maybe you could fiddle with your bios?
No, it's USB. It connects to one of the internal USB headers.

No ammount of fiddling with the bios would help. the firmware in the card reader reads the hardware ID of your motherboard. If it's not an ECS mobo, the reader refuses to work. The only possible fix is if someone came up with a hacked firmware and a way to flash it, but I don't even know if it's flashable.

Like I said, it goes back on Monday.
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