Wanted: Ngage


what is this
Feb 17, 2004
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I am looking for a used Ngage, the first model. I am willing to pay around the £70 area. Preferably in the UK or Ireland and unlocked.

Doubt Ill get anything, but its worth a try ;)
Why don't you want the QD, theres a piece of software somewhere which allows it to play MP3s. The first one IMO is far too big and the side talking feature realy put me off.
Cause I cant afford it, and MP3's dont bother me, I only want it as a phone, but the games and IRC are a bonus. And no, I dont wannt a differant series 60 phone.
It's small enough and you can always do the rear talkin mod if you're desperate to use it as a phone.

I was looking around ebay the other day finty, but I think your best bet would be to keep checking the local paper for people selling. You should get it for around £50 there.
SWEET! Will order one now!

EDIT: I cant find it on their site. Is it an in shop thing only?

EDIT2: I really think all mobile phone networks lay out ther sites to confuse me!
You might as well pay the extra £10 for a Brand New One :P hehe

Or look for a 2nd hand one thats in the area of £30 - £50