Yet Another Ngage Thread


Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK
I've always bashed the NGage around quite a bit, as have alot of people-but I'm seriouisly considering getting one.

Christmas is getting closer and my mum needs to know what I want. I was originally going for a Harddrive MP3 player-that was until my 4 year old phone broke.

I loved my phone (it was a Philips C12) even though it was out of date when I brought it for £30 all those years ago, and it was so out of date that it was okay to use it (if you get what I mean) and I don't want to be a 'fashion-phoner' updating it every few months. I brought a Nokia for £50 on Monday-although I later took it back as I hated it.

Anyway, I'm thinking of getting an NGage, but it's how to go about it that gets me. Should I just get a cheap one off Ebay for now-the Sidetalkin' model? Or splash my cash and get a QD to avoid looking like a fool?

Also-how is emulation on the NGage? I know that PicoDrive is on there, and some NES emulators but how do they run?

Can they accept any sim card?

And finally-a slightly grey area I know, but can Nokia catch you and lock your phone for using homebrew?

Get a QD, or a 6600. Any series 60 phone should do as most run N-gage homebrew etc.

Not sure on emulation, never tried it. I'll give it a go now. Oh but most emulators need to be paid for, but everything can be found ;) .

EDIT: Oh and you can unlock them yourself with various online calculators. Try and shop in network specific shops, I saved myself £30 that way.

And nokia has no way of telling you are using homebrew, Symbian is an open OS anyway.
I have an NGAGE, im selling it on ebay though, it was awesome for awhile. I never found myself playing games on it and whatnot.
None of the emulators I've tried have been full speed yet, although maybe I didn't have the latest versions. I wouldn't swap my original N-Gage for a QD or a 6600. Also side talking doesnt't bother me in the slightest as I think you look a nob talking on a phone in public however you hold it.
Exactly the same situation.

Had a crappy little Siemans mobile phone for years, it died last week.

Not a mobile phone buff or even slighlty interested in anything smart, but I do need a phone, so I'm thinking of picking up an N-Gage.

I've played the original and the QD and they are both crap as games machines, however if you look at the them as a phone - they are the best phone for games.

For me, the original has everyhting over the QD except holding it sideways to talk. So, I'm going to be looking for an N-Gage. They have them in my local CEX for around £70, is that a good price? I'll look on ebay as well.
I got a QD from Gamestation today.

£100 including Crash Nitro Kart and The Sim's.

I don't have any way of putting any emulators on my system though-looks like I'm going to have to buy a MMC and reader.
The original N-Gage came with a lead that let you plug it straight into the USB port on the PC. Of course like you say a simple card reader will be just as good. Just don't get your hopes up for emulators of the GP32's standard.
I agree with finty. The Sims isn't ain't bad though (although I suspect it's just a GBA port. I still played it for ages till my misses had a go and kindly saved over my game).

My current fav N-Gage game is Pathway To Glory. I think it's 50Mb though. It's an army game with action points (think Lazer Squad/X-Com).
Memnoch posted on Dec 2 2004 at 08:36 PM said:
I agree with finty. The Sims isn't ain't bad though (although I suspect it's just a GBA port. I still played it for ages till my misses had a go and kindly saved over my game).

My current fav N-Gage game is Pathway To Glory. I think it's 50Mb though. It's an army game with action points (think Lazer Squad/X-Com).
I went on pathofglorys website ( the other day, it looks really fun, when I first saw the N-Gage I was excited but with a lack of cash I soon went of the idea. I'm most excited about PSP now tbh :D
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Mark posted on Dec 2 2004 at 05:21 PM said:
I got a QD from Gamestation today.

£100 including Crash Nitro Kart and The Sim's.

I don't have any way of putting any emulators on my system though-looks like I'm going to have to buy a MMC and reader.

i bet the guy in gamestation lost any respect for you he may have had
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Nope, he said what a bad press they had, and that they are actually not that bad at all.

Then I mentioned that I had a DS, and so did my brother. He then told everyone else who worked there who swarmed around me asking me how it is, and how jealous they are.

The main use is a phone-and as that it's fantastic-but would you rather play Snake or some crappy Java game on a keypad or Tony Hawk and Gunstar Heroes with a D-Pad?
Mark posted on Dec 4 2004 at 08:07 PM said:
The main use is a phone-and as that it's fantastic-but would you rather play Snake or some crappy Java game on a keypad or Tony Hawk and Gunstar Heroes with a D-Pad?
I'd rather use my Motorola V3 as a phone and my DS or BLU as a portable games machine.
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That's all well and good, but it's far more convient to carry around just a phone than a phone and a DS, GP32 etc.

I don't think I'd dare use my DS on a bus anyway, I'd get mugged. Then again, suppose I could for the QD actually. Chavs around here would rob you for the gum on your shoe.