Wanted: Guide To Deving Under Ubuntu


Active Member
Aug 4, 2005
It seems like all the guides I’ve found to getting with a cross-complier are all geared towards Windows and not Linux. Can anybody write up or point me towards how to get setup under Ubuntu?
Just looked, it's definitely there:

/Programacion/GP2X > ls
940T_DDI0144B(Technical Reference Manual).pdf                 gplayer explanation.txt
GPX KERNEL UPDATE.doc                                         gplayer.tar.gz
MMSP2 WinCE Display Driver User Guide.pdf                     installation.txt
arm-tools.tar.gz                                              library.tar.gz
ugh... I'm loosing my mind trying to get this to work...

I don't want to stick everything in local /usr/local - I *believe* I've done the right thing to get everything in /home/dijitao/gp2x-dev - but still no joy. Where do I put theoddbot's lib's? Why would gcc give me:
arm-linux-gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp0': No such file or directory
theoddbot posted on Dec 9 2005 at 01:37 AM said:
Follow the instructions first and get it to work, then try and do it your own way.

Since I have a working (I think, my gpe did blow up your gp2x) arm-dev, couldn't I just tar it up and host it somewhere?
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Will your arm-dev directory care where it resides? What I'd really like is somebody to just tar up something and maybe make script that changes the nessessary files to deal with the changes in path. What would be fairly easy is to get it working under your /home directory so say /home/blackaxis/arm-dev and I want mine to be in /home/dijitao/arm-dev

Use Something like:
 perl -pi -e s/blackaxis/dijitao/g `find /home/dijitao -name "*.*"`
DijiTao posted on Dec 12 2005 at 12:34 PM said:
Will your arm-dev directory care where it resides?

Right now yes, because the guide makes you edit come config files to put the correct path, in my case it would be /usr/local/....whatever. You could change it though, let me know if you want it and we could work something out.
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Might be worth uploading the the file archieve - I doubt I'm the only person who would benefit from it.