Have Any Re-order Emails Gone Out?


Sep 15, 2008
my credit card order was refunded and im still waiting on a re-order notice? i am abit weary of the emails as i signed up to the newletter and never got one email from it. so i am wondering weather or not my email will actually get to me and if it doesnt what can i do to make sure i still get my re-order and place int he first batch
US customers are first, Australians seem to get mails now, too. It would be nice, if UK customers and others would post here, when they get their google checkout mail.
Frogboy said:
I'm in the US and have not received a reorder email. Hope I'm not the only one.

Nope. Same here. No reorder email yet. Waiting patiently because I'm sure it will probably come sooner or later.
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I believe the answer was something along the lines of "emails will be sent slowly as we don't want same problem as last time - too many people in too short a time".
I got my reorder email I was away for 5 days and when I came back it was there I reordered quickly thought the Google checkout I am in the USA...
so they are coming..

mcqfesijiba2 said:
Frogboy said:
I'm in the US and have not received a reorder email. Hope I'm not the only one.

Nope. Same here. No reorder email yet. Waiting patiently because I'm sure it will probably come sooner or later.
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mali said:
US customers are first, Australians seem to get mails now, too. It would be nice, if UK customers and others would post here, when they get their google checkout mail.
Are you sure about that? I haven't received my email yet, and I was one of the last ones to receive an email about having to be reordered. Somewhat after the point where they thought they'd finished with the refund notifications. And yes I'm in the US.
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Yes this topic has come up 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 times. There is even an Official Source and a Community Blog that mention it.

Cew27: do you ever look before asking?

Now that yet another thread has been started, here is the official bit from Chip:
Chip said:
Reorders are happening now, slowly. We're sending out details and a reorder URL to customers one at a time, starting with US customers. Some have already been sent, and the rest are on the way. We're doing it slowly to avoid any potential problems with the CC processor and to avoid overwhelming the sales ladies. Do not worry, everybody will have the opportunity to reorder in time to get their Pandora.

We are meeting with the bank this week to fix the Amex situation. They cannot simply sit on the money forever, and we're not accepting any more of their stall tactics. If the bank simply refuses to rectify the situation, there is a backup plan. Anybody who paid for a Pandora will get one, no matter what the bank does. One way or another, this situation will be remedied this week.
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hedwards said:
Are you sure about that? I haven't received my email yet, and I was one of the last ones to receive an email about having to be reordered. Somewhat after the point where they thought they'd finished with the refund notifications. And yes I'm in the US.
Yes, I'm sure. But like Squidge said and according to Chip's quote in my sig, it is happening slowly so don't worry :)
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mali said:
It would be nice, if UK customers and others would post here, when they get their google checkout mail.

I'm in the UK and got the google checkout email on 5th January and paid it immediately - an acknowledgement of my payment was received on 6th January.

I was surprised at the speed because my refund was one of the last to come through.
I'm guessing that my original order was in one of the first few hundred placed - I remember that I was refreshing the site every minute until the order page appeared and completed the checkout immediately. So perhaps reorders are going out in order, and the Credit Card refunds went out in reverse order.

Anyway I am so glad that I got the order back in again. I can sit back, relax and forget about it now and some time in the future a nice surprise package should show up on my desk.
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Alpha2 said:
do you have to have a google checkout account first, or will the email have instructions to sign up for it.?
I already had a Google Checkout account so I just clicked through. You might want to set one up now, it doesn't cost you anything and it may be useful in the future even if the Pandora payment method changes.
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hi,just wanted to know if anyone in the uk has had
the option to reorder yet ? i havent received any emails
and im not visiting the site so often,so just wanted to know
what was happening.

i had read 2 weeks ago i think on an update that reorders
had started for the us,and uk would follow soon after that
but im not in the loop so any info would be great.
I just got my reorder email, it was through Google checkout. I'm in the US and ordered very early in the preorder cycle.
Just for reference:
Chip said:
I've just heard from Debs that they're only about 10% done with reorders. It's going to take a while folks, just sit tight.
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