Want Amstrad Emulator

That would be pretty sweet; I've pretty much got a complete collection of CPC games (in both physical tape/cd and downloaded image format) to use on one :-)

btw: on the desktop I tend to use 'Arnold' to play 'em.
A CPC emulator would be great... Ryleh started to begin a port, but since he left to the Zodiac there are no more news. In the developer forum is a thread about porting an existing emulator to the GP32, but I am not sure if he already started to port something.

Seems that I still have to play with my originals...
I allso have a complete collection of CPC games. I play them on the PC sometimes. but i think it be much better on the GP32.
yeah, playing those games when travelling around would be really nice :)

btw, I meant my CPCs (to have a complete collection I just need a 464+ and the GX4000 :D)