Pandora Vs2008 + Pandora Development...


Oct 8, 2008
Ok - so this is totally lazy on my part - but I'm quite interested in starting to fool around doing some Dev work for the Pandora. Does anyone else use Visual Studio 2008 as an IDE for doing development for the Pandora? I've been screwing around trying to get a bare-bones project put together/compiling that includes the penjin library - but I'm having a pain in the neck time trying to get it to actually work. I think I'm at the point where I can at least get it actually compiling... but I can't get the linking to work right now.. hitting the error:

1>c:\devkitpro\devkitgp2x\bin\..\lib\gcc\arm-linux\4.0.2\..\..\..\..\arm-linux\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lkernel32.lib

So... anyways... back to my question.. anyone use Visual Studio 2008.. and if so - Do you think you could post (or at least send me :-) an example project of something that works? Or at least give me some pointers? I've found various resources ( for example) - but nothing that has been able to get me to the point I want to be yet :-).

Since you mentioned Penjin, I strongly urge you to use Code::Blocks... failing that I haven't used VStudio since I was in uni... I'm still vacationing right now, but I'm heading back home in a couple of days. If you haven't got anything working by then I'll see about getting VStudio Express to play nice... but seriously use Code::Blocks! ;)

Also you can PM me about Penjin related stuff... or make a thread in the dev section mentioning Penjin so I see it more easily.

I have a couple of questions... what target are you trying to compile to get those errors?
I'm curious since it seems to be looking at GP2X libs...
Can you get anything compiling and running for Windows first?

EDIT: yep like Exo said, it seems you have your libs/dependencies in a twist! grab me on messenger if you like, I'll pm details.
If it needs kernel32.lib then you're going to be out of luck no matter what you try compiling it for. Basically, won't be portable off of Windows until that dependency is removed.
I'm amazed you've managed to get devkitpro running and a dependancy on kernel32. You need to get rid of that dependancy before anything will even have the chance of working.
I'm amazed you've managed to get devkitpro running and a dependancy on kernel32. You need to get rid of that dependancy before anything will even have the chance of working.
Probably don't need Kernal32.lib.. ... was just dinking around and I thought it included that in some example I was reading of how to get SDL working in Visual STudio 2005... I know that kernal32.dll is a Win32 thing only... guess it was more an issue getting it to do the linking properly at all with external dependancies... that just happened to be first on the list...

I'll keep fudging til I figure something out.. like I said - I was sort of being lazy by asking first before spending a great deal of time on it... actually been programming professionally for a good 8 or 9 years and as an amature for years before that... just been a while since I've done anything that wasn't Win32 :-).
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Other people are right however, it's usually easier to setup codeblocks for 2x/Wiz/Pandora stuff than VS, although the later is of course possible.
Other people are right however, it's usually easier to setup codeblocks for 2x/Wiz/Pandora stuff than VS, although the later is of course possible.
Yeah.. I actually got Codeblocks working ... got a little bit of help from PokeParadox pointing me to where to find some of the config information used in the pandora panic! project in it and hopefully using that knowledge I can get things working in VS. I've just had so many years of daily usage of VS that I'm ridiculously used to all the hotkeys and quirks of the editor and feel my life would be easier if I could just use it... worst case though I'll just give up and switch over to codeblocks :-).
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