Ade posted on Jul 9 2003 said:
yes I am still reading but don't you think there will be a new console next year who is better?
I willl have to wait and think what I am going to do and see if there coming new models or better gba emulators
There will ALWAYS be something better around the corner - It's the way of the world. However, I don't forsee any other unit allowing the user to program it in any way s/he likes!
All other handhelds (Unless, for example, you get a linker for the GBA!) do not allow you to program the unit - Only to purchase the games made for it... The linker is the exception - And mainly it's used for piracy!
I suppose you could call the Palm and PocketPC's units you could program, but not as open-endedly as the GP32.
While the GP32 might not have the range of games yet (Due to it's limited release at the moment) it does have some amazing feats not available on anything else - Like Movies (With sound) which are more that watchable, and being able to play MP3's out of the box without any add-ons (I'm not including headphones here!)
Sony will be releasing their hand-held in the future, but unless someone develops a way to crack it (See: Piracy) then I doubt Sony will allow just anyone to program games on it!
Whatever you choose, I hope you are happy with it. The GBA has bored me too much recently (Hence I got the GP32) with all the naff "kiddie" games coming out - Sorry, but I DO NOT LIKE Pokemon!... So the GP32 was a god-send... Did someone say portable "Matrix"???

And it's soundtrack!
As the GP32 will be released soon outside Korea, we should see the "scene" pick up - Hopefully with some major companies making some more "pro" games for it... But that may be too long a wait for you.