
Purist posted on Apr 1 2006 at 08:32 PM said:
3.3v and 1A dc. Center negative.

Dangit, they have to be complicated, don't they.

I have a converter that has 3.0 and 4.5, but not 3.3, ergh.
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It'll accept 3V as long as it's regulated. I've even run mine on 1.9V succesfully. 1.8V and lower crashes the device though. (my psu has a 0.1V stepping between 0V and 30V).
Squidge posted on Apr 2 2006 at 09:49 AM said:
It'll accept 3V as long as it's regulated. I've even run mine on 1.9V succesfully. 1.8V and lower crashes the device though. (my psu has a 0.1V stepping between 0V and 30V).
What sort of current range is the 2x drawing at the lower voltages?
1A at 3v was quite a shocker for me! (OK that over spec'ed, I believe, isn't it?)

You also mentioned the 2x could be fed though the EXT port but wasn't recommended, any details on that? :)
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I wouldn't go any higher than 4V.

when idling (ie, in the menu. pre-1.4 firmware)

@ 2.5V = 410mA. = 1.025 watts/hr
@ 2.9V = 340mA. = .986
@ 3.3V = 300mA. = .990
@ 3.4V = 290mA. = .986
@ 3.6V = 280mA. = 1.008
@ 3.7V = 270mA. = .999
@ 3.8V = 260mA. = .988
@ 4.0V = 260mA. = 1.040

running mplayer:

2.5V - upto 850mA = 2.125
2.9V - upto 690mA = 2.001
3.1V - upto 650mA = 2.015
3.3V - upto 590mA = 1.947
3.7V - upto 530mA = 1.961

It can obviously draw more than this in various circumstances, so you should always buy a PSU can provide 1A or more.

Entire thread here -> http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=23995
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