
May 13, 2008
Bernie Sanders' Land
I've downloaded this with multiple browsers and multiple sites, still can't get my SD card to willing accept the file. On the drag/drop with MAC OS/X I get a white ghostbuster symbol not allowing the drag into SD:/pandora/menu

What's up?

Peace & Pandora,

The only thing is loads for me is GBA roms in a zip file. I got Wario Land 4 working, but it's pretty slow.

Gameboy roms just wouldn't work at all (zipped or unzipped).

That thing you have has happened to me lots. It seems that sub folders on your SD card can become locked out (not writable). No idea what causes it or how it stopped happening.
SomeGuy99 said:
Right. I found that roms work if they have a filename with no spaces!
Thanks, I was locked out of the SD, first time that's happened to me. Removed the SD card while lid was closed in minimenu, so wondering if the Pandora puts some type of write protect on it while in minimenu.

I'll try the no spaces thing in the morning.

Peace & Pandora,

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SomeGuy99 said:
Right. I found that roms work if they have a filename with no spaces!
Yeah, minor oversight on my part there, sorry. This is fixed in the latest version (see news post).

No idea what's going on with the SD cards though.
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Thanks a lot for this Steve. I just tried out Wario Land 4 and apart from a occasional sound glitch it ran nice and smooth. I had to up the CPU to 750Mhz - at 500Mhz it was too choppy to be playable.
Yeah, I really just figured I'd compile this so I could play some GB titles. That GBA is even playable at all (albeit with frame skip and bumping up the MHz) is just a bonus! There are plenty of options to tweak in the config file which might make certain games run better.
SomeGuy99 said:
It seems that sub folders on your SD card can become locked out (not writable). No idea what causes it or how it stopped happening.
Am pretty sure that this is due to an upstream bug in the version Thunar (the file manager) used - I had this problem myself where you can only access the top level directories - this only happens when you are in compact view (I think this is what it's called can't check at work!) change back to icon or details view and you should be able to access them again
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That works much better. Minish cap is full speed now. My only overall problem is the crackling audio of the Pandora unit...
It's not an emulator problem. (though I'm sure this emulator does crackle because it's slow) It's a problem with the OS doesn't matter what program I run if it plays sound it's crackley.