Virtual Dubb Settings


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Somehow moving this topic got messed up because of an internet breakdown of my computer...
However, I managed to get the topic out of my cache.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mexican Cousin asked:

Does anyone know where I can download virtual dubb settings that are compatible with gpcinema? The settings for download on this site make the movie files too large to fit onto the smc. :(
washo answered:

You shoulndt use a generic profile because each files need a specific framerate, a specific resolution to maintain the corrct ration.....
Just try by yourself to find the best
Im usind DivX 4.12 @64kbps with 30fps max ketframe
Audio = 11KHz Mono 16kbits
All my DivX fit on a 28SMC

see you
Have u got a guide for xvid anyone???

Ive been using divx 4.12 for ages and can achieve some superb results with great sizes.

But the odd person Says "xvid is better qualtity with lower space!" OMFG

please show me the guide for xvid

Doeas the process take longer though????

Encoding Mode - 1 Pass CBR
Bitrate (kbps) - 75
Filters - 320 x 240 resize (nearest neighbour)
I also like to increase the brightness and contrast by a little to help the GP32 display.

Audio is compressed to mono MP3, 24Khz, which comes out to 32kbps.


I can squeeze two episodes of Voyager onto a 64MB smart media card using this!

OH yeah, and decimate by 2.
24 KHz is therically notreachable with the GP32....It have to be 11/22/44.
Maybe Im wrong but when I tried that then my DivX wont play at all
see you ;)
I converted pirates of the caribbean from dvd using divx. And I managed to squeeze it down to 100mb or thereabouts. Would xvid take this smaller with better quality????

Guy who said about voyager thanks :eek:)

How long is voyger and what did your file size read before conversion

thanks again

I converted pirates of the caribbean from dvd using divx. And I managed to squeeze it down to 100mb or thereabouts. Would xvid take this smaller with better quality????

Guy who said about voyager thanks :eek:)

How long is voyger and what did your file size read before conversion

thanks again

Each star trek voyager episode is 41 minutes, and the files were 170MB divxs before i used VirtualDub to re-encode. Obviously, much better results can be had if you encode straight from the DVD... but i err lost it. :p

Each file is 31MB @ 60kbps
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