Video In (tv-in)


Still Fresh
Jun 22, 2006
I searched the forum but couldnt find an answer....

I was wondering if it is possible to use the TV-out adaptor on the gp2x as a video in?

I would like to use it as a preview screen for vjing ( ) and not for recording.
someone should seriously consider making a TV tuner for the GP2X like the DS lite is getting but also include a wifi adapter. This could probably work through the EXT connector right? If it was done properly it would so rocket the GP2X into more sales for sure!
Ill have to look into the usb av input.

but because i dont code i might have to wait for some one else to do it. ;)

thanks for all the help though!
I have a USB TV-In for my PC, it requires USB 2.0 and ugh, it's so laggy. It drops frames all over the place. The best application I've found for viewing the input so far is virtualdub, rather then the application that came with it. Mine is by belkin in case anyone wants to know.