vice city


Nov 4, 2003
Uk,NW England.
Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar games have responded to the protests of the Haitian community. Advocates and activists for Haitian residents of NYC, the Human Rights Commission, and Mayor Bloomberg have been very critical of the content that have been labled as racist by some. It seems that Take-Two is listening and being very cooperative as well.

Below is the full statement from Take-Two and Rockstar Games. . .

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and Rockstar Games, Inc. wish to express our sincerest apologies to the Haitian people and Government of Haiti for any offense that may have been caused by statements made in the video game Grand Theft Auto: ViceCity.

As its name implies, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a virtual crime world, in which characters are involved in criminal activities, including fictional gang warfare between rival groups. In creating the game, it was not our intention to target or offend any group or persons or to incite hatred or violence against such groups or persons.

In addition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is "M" rated; it is not intended for sale to under-17 audiences. Contrary to what some may believe, it must be recognized that video games have evolved as an adult medium, not unlike literature, movies and music. The fact that the game is popular does not mean that it will encourage players to act out hatred or violence against any group or persons in the "real world." Certainly, this is not our intent, nor is it the effect of the game.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was released in October 2002. We believe that recent media coverage has taken certain statements made in the game out of context, and has blown it out of proportion by mischaracterizing the nature of the game play, as well as the actual portrayal of persons and groups in the game.

As with literature, movies, music and other forms of entertainment, we have strived to create a video game experience with a certain degree of realism, which we believe is our right. Nevertheless, we are aware of the hurt and anger in the Haitian community and have listened to the community's objections to certain statements made in the game. Accordingly, we will remove the objectionable statements from future copies of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

We have forwarded this statement to the various groups within the Haitian community that have contacted us in an effort to address the concerns of the community. We trust that our actions and our formal apologies can help to mendour relationship with the Haitian community.
thats silly... So thier going to cut bits out of Future GTA: VC copies??... This Will mean the newer GTA's that will be being developed will probably have No Good bits in...
looks like a good time to buy my copy of the game before anything happens to it.
This is stupid, they chose the haitian and cubans because these two communities dont have any trouble with each other. its not like they had the indian and pakistanies or the ira. They must have researched that these two communities must have been perfect for a fictional gang warfare and didnt have a real life conotation to it.
jlebrech posted on Dec 10 2003 at 10:48 PM said:
This is stupid, they chose the haitian and cubans because these two communities dont have any trouble with each other. its not like they had the indian and pakistanies or the ira. They must have researched that these two communities must have been perfect for a fictional gang warfare and didnt have a real life conotation to it.
Lol, im sure sum1s tryin to make an Irish hack with Catholics and Protestants in.
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well if one group of people will get away with editing out certain parts of VC (nothing against haitians), that is taking away their free speech... then others will see that the first people could get away with it then then they will go after rockstar... then it will turn into GTA Nice City... remember that thread? :lol:
strangely, it's the only game that made me want to pull out a gun a burst tires, or get killed and start again

the world is going wrong, I fear

the two groups, were heavily involved in drug warfare during the 80's when the game is set, so it's more like history, than current event, surely
Anybody hear about this crap on NBC with the Dominican community and something on Law and Order. Some gay black prisoner in the show called the Domicans a bunch of animals, and then the Dominican community protested this. It was dumb because they made all their protest boards in Spanish. HELLOOOOO!! THIS IS IN AMERICA! WE SPEAK ENGLISH HERE!



How idiotic is it when people go after video games for something it might suggest. When's the last time an 'R' rated movie was boycotted for something like this? How about somebody complain about the fact that Hitler was removed from history in the Command and Conquer series and the Soviet Union took over the world.

The whole reason why movies today have the 'fictional work' disclaimer in them during the credits is because of an American movie about Rasputin, in which the movie portrayed him in a truly ludicrid manner. The Russian leaders of the time (forgot what they were called, Czars?) then sued the creators of the movie for somethign along the lines of defamation of character. From then on, all movies are required to display that disclaimer at some point during the movie, even if it is towards the end of the credits. Maybe we need those during the load screens for video games now.
how could you compare the ira to common street gangs, im from N.Ireland with a strong republican upbringing and so i soppose i would view the group not as common thugs, but as freedom fighters/terrorists ( i im saying this not because i believe in there tactics but on their backing behind them). Its not like theres just people walking around the street with shotguns and pistols tcked away out of sight. U wouldnt be able to realistically portray the organised structure and objectives of the IRA in a game such as gta, ud be better looking at unionists terrorist organisations such as the uvf uff etc who often engage in territory wars.
Sponge BoB posted on Dec 11 2003 at 10:40 PM said:
how could you compare the ira to common street gangs, im from N.Ireland with a strong republican upbringing and so i soppose i would view the group not as common thugs, but as freedom fighters/terrorists ( i im saying this not because i believe in there tactics but on their backing behind them). Its not like theres just people walking around the street with shotguns and pistols tcked away out of sight. U wouldnt be able to realistically portray the organised structure and objectives of the IRA in a game such as gta, ud be better looking at unionists terrorist organisations such as the uvf uff etc who often engage in territory wars.
Dude, i lived there 4 three years. there are people walking around with shotguns (although a small minority). Its these people that im talking about. Most of the people there are v. friendly and dont care about differing religions and the politics going on but the minority do just terrorise, making them in my eyes at least terrorists. What good will it do to walk into a pub and unload on all the people sitting in there. sorry if i offeneded u, i was just making a not-very-funny joke.
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Here's the scene in question from GTA3: Vice City...

"Boss: Those stinkin' Haitians! I hate them! Kill them all! Kill them ALL!"

Then you get the next game scene, and "KILL ALL HAITIANS" flashes across the bottom-right of the screen.

I'm working from memory, so I might have messed up a word or two in the Boss's dialogue, but that's about right.
Yeah, you're about right with that one.

I remember watching Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn on Comedy Central and they've already had this discussion. I remember this Italian New York comic just bursted out laughing when he saw the message on the screen saying 'KILL ALL HAITIANS'. I thought that was great when they tried tackling this issue on there. But it's all in "good fun". Or atleast to me it is. It's not killing people or causing people to kill each other over such discussions.