Various Questions/help Needed


Still Fresh
Aug 4, 2006
Hi everyone,

brand new user here. Just bought my GP2x from Ebay for a nice price and am still waiting on receiving it. Decided that a portable emulator for under £100 would be far too irresistable for me. So I went ahead... :D
ANYWAY, I have some questions about what else I am able to do with the 2x, so any help would be great!

I know it has a USB port, but is this port so you can connect keyboards and mice etc... to it? The reason is, that I am a musician and am currently using a usb keyboard (music keyboard, bus powered but can be powered by an ac adapter). I am interested to know if I am able to plug my keyboard into the 2x and use it as a way of running my music software. I know there are some linux applications that work, but would they work on the 2x or do they need to be ported?

Basically, I'm looking for a mini computer so I can use my favourite VST plugins when I'm performing live. This is sounding more and more complicated the more I type.

ok, basically, I want to plug this in and run something like this.
what are the chances?

By the way, don't worry about dissapointing me, I bought it mainly for emulation. DO worry about flaming me because I DID do a search on here for details of stuff and didnt find anything concrete to support what Im asking.

Oh and if you wanna welcome me to the forums, feel free. ;)
the keyboard should be possible by using the Ext port at the bottom of the unit and plugging this in, (3rd one down)


as for the software i dont know if it will work but theres always a chance (it seems pretty complicated to fit on the 2x)

ps welcome to the forums :P
This is possible. However since you're the only one who wants such a thing at the moment, you'll have to code it yourself. I'm not sure if the processor could handle it either. My AMD K6-2 computer @ 500mhz barely runs Psycle Modular Music Creation Studio (a similar app).

If you don't want to make your own hub, you can of course use the Break out Board (BoB) instead.
thanks for the quick replies guys. So basically if I want to run a linux-based app, I'll have to port it myself? I know very little about Linux and didnt know if all linux software is able to play on all linux OS's.
The application I used as an example is a very powerful one, but there are a few apps out there that are a lot smaller and take very little memory. I'm looking into those a lot more. Such as this one.
Maybe I should be asking on the relevant applications forum? :blink:
Well if an app isn't already availiable, someone has to port it so the code runs on ARM (unless of course the program was already ARM-Linux, there was a version of GNUBoy like that). Its not the operating system thats the problem. The problem is PCs have x86 CPUs and we have an ARM CPU (totally different).

And don't ask on their forums, they'll have no idea what you're talking about.
heheh. What? even I know what an ARM processor is :blink:
So if I can get the source code for the program then would it be easy for someone on here to port or would I have to try and persuade someone with some "benjamins" as the americans would say?