Installing Sdl Libs And Pygame


Jun 27, 2007
Norwich UK
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Erm forgive me if what i am say is complete crap because i don't really know anything about these files.

Basically i noticed that quite a few games that i downloaded were not working. (Usually a black blink returning me to the main menu OR just unable to load)
So i decided to download these files: "pygame_beta1" and "" in the hope that they might help to run some games.
I have unzipped the sdl libs and put them on my sd card. When i clicked on it on my 2x it just returned me to the main menu without the picture coming up.

Firstly does anybody know if these are the correct files and secondly do they do what i want them to do.

Thanks !
missing a great deal of details in order for anyone to help you =)

Kinda like calling a garage and saying "my car doesn't work" =P

what applications are you talking about? Did the included doc tell you to install any libs? AFAIK you don't need to install anything on top of the apps, all libs are included within the program unless otherwise noted, but I could be wrong.

Give us more details as per what software is giving you problems, how you run it, what version GP2X you have and whatnot, we'll see what we can do to help you out.
Python (and by extension Pygame) is only required by games written in Python. The two I know are Oh The Humanity and retrovirusRTS. Oh The Humanity has instructions in its readme for installing Python on your GP2X. Some games require that they are installed in a specific location, so check their readme files again. Also, maybe some files got corrupted when you extracted them to your card.
Well I think I've got that python folder working now.
Lol It comes inside an extra folder which it is zipped in which means last time when i put it on my gp2x, the files weren't at the root of my sd card like they should be.

As for the sdl thing, you guys reckon that i don't need them unless the app says otherwise rite ?