Ut2004 + Linux


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
I've just switched to SuSe 9.2 this week after my windows installation corrupted and my XP cd went missing. I've never used Linux before and as nice as it is, it's scaring the hell out of me, all this code and compiling of open source programs is intimidating.

Anyhoo, I just realised that UT 2004 is compatible with linux, when I try to install it however I get a message telling me to mount the playdisc and retry (this happens after the log file pops up showing the extraction process and after the cdkey entry and confiuration options). The disc is in the drive (its the DVD version).

I read up on a few websites that an export command has to be run before running the install script but I have no idea how to go about this, I've tried several things in a konsole with no luck.

Somebody please help.
I want to use linux, but this is the reason why I dont want to use linux :P...
Damn you Steve-o.....you had me all excited, I thought someone had helped :unsure:


Why not partition your Hard Drive and install Windows on one partition (Just borrow a Windows disc off someone if you can find yours :D )

and Boot to Windows when u want to play games ?
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Steve-O posted on Feb 1 2005 at 11:33 AM said:
Damn you Steve-o.....you had me all excited, I thought someone had helped :unsure:


Why not partition your Hard Drive and install Windows on one partition (Just borrow a Windows disc off someone if you can find yours :D )

and Boot to Windows when u want to play games ?

I only have a 18.6 gb hardrive, of which windows + updates would take up about 10gb + games (half life 2 and UT2004 each take up about 5gb each) on top, there wouldn't be much breathing room. I only wanted a solution to this problem as a short term path to entertainment, as soon as I get a bit of spare cash I'm gonna buy a bigger HD and dual boot.

As for the windows CD, well I have my copy back now, but I'd rather have the comfort and experimentation possibilites of Linux than games at the minute.

I'm a fussy bastard!
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You may want to check out: http://www.thehaus.net/Tips/UT/ut2004icculusfaq.shtml

Problem is, it mainly points out supermount. I can tell you now SuSE doesn't have supermount (which basically makes a directory e.g. /dev/cdrom/ for your CD automatically when you insert it) enabled. If it has something similar, though, which automatically mounts drives, you need to do something about it as shown below.

However most informative of all is: http://icculus.org/lgfaq/#install

Q: I've just bought Unreal Tournament 2003, and i can't get it to install. The installer on the third disk asks me to install the "PLAY" disk, but no matter which disk i try, they all fail. What's wrong?

A: The Linux installer asks for the wrong disc names. This was the results of an unfortunate miscommunication right before the disc went gold. The installer will ask for "play disc", "disc 1", "disc 2". What it should ask for is "disc 1", "disc 2", "disc 3". This is obnoxious, but it is not fatal, as the text is just used in the user interface, and is not used in detecting the disc. Just put in the disc it wants, not the one it asks for. :)
A: Note that, perhaps most importantly, the other questions about the original Unreal Tournament apply. Especially with regard to joilet support. When you mount disc 3 to look for the installer, you should see linux_installer.sh, not linux_in.sh. The option you want (as far as my 2.4.19-based system is concerned) in the kernel configuration is under "Filesystems". Enable "ISO 9660 CDROM file system support" and then "Microsoft Joliet CDROM extensions". If there is a "Rock Ridge extensions" option, enable that too.
A: Do not sit on the mount point, or you won't be able to switch discs. So if you do this (or something like it):
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt
cd /mnt
You won't be able to unmout the disc when the installer asks for the next disc in the series, since your shell is still sitting in the mountpoint. It will work better if you do something more like this:
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt
cd /somewhere/else
The installer copies itself to $TMPDIR before running, so it shouldn't be sitting on the mountpoint. If this still isn't working, copy the installer yourself, to make sure it is not blocking your unmount:
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt
cp /mnt/linux_installer.sh $HOME
umount /mnt (this is making sure the disc is unmountable)
A: Are you using Mandrake? If so, you will probably need to disable supermount for your CDROM/DVDROM drive, since it appears to be interfering with the installer's ability to detect the CDROM properly. To turn it off, run drakconf, go to "Mount Points" -> DVD (or CDROM) -> Options -> uncheck supermount.
Save your changes, make sure the CDs are completely unmounted, and then try the installer again. You'll need to manually mount the cdroms, insert disk 3, run the installer, and it should work fine now.
Other distributions will need to use their way of turning off supermount, although we don't know of any others that use it by default.
A: If you get a bunch of errors to the console for each file installed, talking about different devices in your /etc/fstab, they can (usually) be ignored. If they are causing trouble, temporarily comment those lines out of fstab. (If that makes you nervous, the SETUP_CDROM environment variable described below accomplishes this better.)
A: If you have multiple CD drives, and the installer is continuously grinding the one you're not currently installing off, then tells you "mount: no media" or similar, just stuff one of the other ut2k3 CDs into that drive. The installer will even pick up on that and save you a disk change later.
A: If you are SURE you've got the correct disc mounted and the installer seems to disagree, export the environment SETUP_CDROM before running the installer, and you might be able to fool it (this is untested):
export SETUP_CDROM=/where/i/mounted/the/cdrom
The installer doesn't care if it's really a CD, so if you get really desperate, you can copy it to your harddrive or mount an ISO on a loopback device, etc. The installer just looks for files in a directory tree to decide if the CD-ROM is mounted. If you've got multiple CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives, mount a disc in each and export SETUP_CDROM_CD1, SETUP_CDROM_CD2, and SETUP_CDROM_CD3, and the installer will go directly to those locations for the needed files.
A: The installer will seem to install some stuff very fast, and then really REALLY slow down, taking a long time for individual files. THIS IS NORMAL. Files that are compressed into Epic's "uz2" format take a long time to uncompress. This is the bulk of the installer's work. This game takes a LONG time to install (you are, after all, uncompressing about 2.5 gigs worth of data).
A: Read this: https://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=147, and this: https://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=147.
A: If none of the above works, consider e-mailing our mailing list after subscribing as described above.

This should provide you with enough information. Basically, if the problem's just that you need to insert a different disk, you are sorted. If not, I assume you know how to mount and unmount CDs from the konsole - just follow the info above using /dev/cdrom as your path to the CD and you should be fine.

If you need help, let me know. P.S. Banana Phone rocks.
Who said anything about losing a CD key?? Thanks for the help Rico, but still nothing works, I even tried creating a link to the drive on the desktop which enables the mount and unmount action upon right click( a unique feature of suse alledgedly), however it reports that I can't unmount due to lack of root priveledges...anybody now how to alter the access to the root. I tried running an unmount command directly in the root console, but there aren't any mount related commands in there....this is turning into a real headache...

export SETUP_CDROM.... seems to be the key but the command appears to do nothing perhaps I'm typing it wrong.... I phrase it exactly like this:

export SETUP_CDROM=\dev\dvd\linux_installer.sh

although I have tried many variants.
Problem solved....for future reference to anyone else who suffers the same this is how it's done.

Open up terminal, and in your username@linux shell type the following including quotes:

export SETUP_CDROM=/media/dvd **press return**
'/media/dvd/linux-installer.sh' **press return**

That should work no problem. I apologise for the patronising instructions, but heck I wish people would include those in tutorials at times, sometimes being a newbie at something makes you miss the blatantly obvious.

Thanks for the help guys.
Ah, so the problem was that SuSE uses /media/dvd for its DVD mount point. Make sure you install stuff as root most of the time. If you don't already know, you can type 'su -' then you'll be prompted for root password. You can then exit root mode with 'exit'. This will work on any (most?) distribution of Linux.

EDIT: Oh yeah, when you first start with Linux you'll find it a lot harder to deal with. Although distros are rapidly getting easier, stuff like setting up networks and printers is very intimidating to the newbie. However once you've used Linux for maybe a year you should be able to do anything you want quite effortlessly, especially as there are HOWTOs for everything.
Yeah, I found that just trying to figure out how to get UT2004 working has taught me a lot of stuff, it's how I learn best, by breaking things then fixing them, or fixing them when they're already broken.

UT2004 has slightly slower performance under linux I find.
hmmm... that didn't work for me :(

I did the same thing you did, except I used /media/dvdrecorder/ as that's what the drive is. Is there anything I need to do between loading cd's?
