Using Hl Stuff In My Mod...

do you think I should because its a Quake mod
me and another guy are working on generic models right now, but I was wondering if I could... speed things up right now

well, lets say I did use sounds and stuff from the Demo
do you guys actually think that they would do something?
should I write a small letter of approval to them, or is that a dumb idea?
what did Valve do to all other mods they shut down (like what did Fox do when they shut down AlienQuake?? )
would they sue me? cause Im poor, not cool
or would they send a cease and decist order and I am in no trouble if I stop?
or, would they just Email me and say " Stop, or I will crush you with my corporate boot "

Usually yes, but since the GP32 has such a narrow audience, I don't think anyone will care.

yea but its a Quake Mod so it will probably be playable on a PC... the PC has a massive audience :P

Just do it anyway and see if anyone complains :D... after all its not going to be sold and you wont be making a profit or anything on the work. I dont think they will sue you, they will probably just say Take them models / sounds etc out your work please if anything :)
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Octavious posted on Feb 1 2005 at 01:33 AM said:
should I ??
I really don't wanna get my ass sue'd or sumtin


No, you won't.
As long as you don't take any money for it, the worst thing they'll do is ask you to remove it from your site, when finished.
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