USB problems


Still Fresh
May 27, 2003
Leicester UK
I use a powered USB hub with 4 sockets which have attached:

1: Cable Modem
2: CDRW Drive
3: Scanner
4: GP32 Link Cable

Prior to owning my GP32, my scanner worked fine. For over a week I have used my GP32 link cable for managing files etc. I have notice that sometimes my internet connection is cut when I turn the GP32 on (power surge?).

More worryingly, my scanner will scan an image but will now only produce it in shades of yellow.

Do you think the GP32 has caused this? Can you think of any remedial action other than acquiring a new scanner?

the twain resource on my machine here has given up the ghost...

it would interesting to see if anyone else has this cos I can't get my scanner working... however it is fine when you use it on another machine....
Don't know if your PC has 2 front mounted USBs - many have. I plug the 4xUSB powered into one USB socket. This has cable modem, digital camera, mp3 player, and webcam. The other USB socket I use for GP32 OR scanner, or anything else. I've had no problems with scanner, or internet (touch wood).
I have had enough of the problems I have with the GP32 usb connection. Win XP keeps asking me to reinstal drivers for GP32!! And when I install them it says they are not microsoft certified and may harm my pc!?

One solution...get an SMC reader for £17 from Jessops!
Install the drivers even though they are not Microsoft certified. Problem solved.
I think most of the GP32 users use Windows, so they all have probably installed the drivers. And I have not heard anybody say something about a trashed computer because of the GP32 USB-drivers. I have also installed the drivers and got XP, no problem at all. My conclusion is - INSTALL! ;)
Might be again a good point to reming that GP32 USB driver (in the BIOS) is breaking USB1.1 specs.. It surely makes Mac OSX USB to ignore the damn thing.. so maybe it can mess even window$ under some circumstances.
A couple times I've had my computer reset itself when I turned the GP32 on while it was plugged in. So far no permanent damage has been caused to anything, but I think I'm going to get a card reader in the next few days rather than press my luck. I think the GP32's USB hardware is just a bit sketchy.
yeh I now have to use a laptop at home (fan gave up the ghost) and it has 1 usb port, prior to me installing a printer onto the laptop for the usb socket it worked fine and now my gp32 gets USB errors all the time (unknown problem, communication error etc), first time I've had problems with it, it's bizarre