GP32 USB communication with GP32 (PC side)


Oct 4, 2003
Hi :)

I want to try to make an utility to communicate with the GP32,
just to send some data through the usb port and receive it from the GP.
to make a console like, console on GP, and keyboard on PC :)
transfering data, like image, or 3D object and watching it instantaneously
on the GP screen.
it would be very cool.
I found how to send data through the usb port with the GP32 SDK,
but I don't know how to do the same thing on PC :(
I'm using Visual C++ 6.

can anybody help me ?
VC++ example sources? Also check Darkfader's site.. it used to have some
microsoft example usb bulk driver sources.

Shit, I got that code. I used it for that Win32 GDB server. I'll just post the sourcecode to my site. You can really thank Firefly for the code, he's the one that got it to me. Anyways, gimme some time to get it posted...
Rattboi posted on Oct 21 2003 at 03:46 AM said:

Shit, I got that code. I used it for that Win32 GDB server. I'll just post the sourcecode to my site. You can really thank Firefly for the code, he's the one that got it to me. Anyways, gimme some time to get it posted...
it would be very cool, What is the address of your Web site?
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!up =)

I tried GDB with the GDB Windows server of rattboi, It work well for the connection
but anytime I try to use a gdb command, the gp32 reset and I lost connection :(
please rattboi can you post a simple example just to send/receive data to/from gp32 ?