My 6GB-notebook-Hard-Disk-USB2.0-cased works perfectly
But my 256mb pendrive-mp3player-USB1.0 doesn't work
Any news of Toholl and his SMC Kernel module writing improvement?
i dont know if his laptop is repaired ... i hope so
we need more help with the kernel
but maybe we will have some good news soon
i hope to see some interesting stuff at fosdem 2005
in the embedded developpers room
The following topics have been retained. Stay tuned for the abstracts and the exact schedule:
* "Dillo, fast, lightweigth web browser." Presentation by Jorge Arellano Cid (Lead developer) (
* "Porting GNU/Linux to a new ARM platform." Presentation by Deepak Saxena
* "Scivoli - an introduction to programming with eCos" presentation by David N. Welton
* "Porting a bootloader to an embedded system/Single Board Computer a case study using Das Uboot" by Craig Duffy
* "Development and Deployment of High Performance Linux-Controlled Video Decoder Boards" by Marc Leeman (Hardware R&D Engineer,Barco Control Rooms)
* "Building Embedded Linux Distributions with BitBake and OpenEmbedded." By Michael 'Mickey' Lauer (OE Core developer,
* "Hedgehog: A tiny LISP for embedded applications." By Lars Wirenius and Kenneth Oksanen
* "Scratchbox: a cross-compilation toolkit." By Timo Savola (scratchbox core developer,
* "Porting GNU/Linux to the Psion Netbook. A real-world case study." By Wookey (Chief Nerd Aleph one Ltd.)
the problem is that i cant be at the same time on the gp32linux stand
and in the developpers room ....