Ups Tracking On Airmail?


Raving Python fangirl
Sep 29, 2008
Yesterday I got an email saying my Pandora was shipped. Yay! When I ordered I ordered airmail, seeing as I'm in the Netherlands anyway. Today however I got a UPS tracking email that said "the physical package(s) may or may not have actually been tendered to UPS for shipment". So does this mean UPS is tracking my shipment but isn't actually delivering it?

Cause thing is if UPS is actually delivering my package I'll have to make sure I'll be at home, since the nearest UPS depot to pick up missed shipments is two hours away. Anyone know more about this?
Arghhh. I shouldn't have ordered at EDs shop. Almost all other Dutch people already received their unit or are about to :(
Eniko said:
Yesterday I got an email saying my Pandora was shipped. Yay! When I ordered I ordered airmail, seeing as I'm in the Netherlands anyway. Today however I got a UPS tracking email that said "the physical package(s) may or may not have actually been tendered to UPS for shipment". So does this mean UPS is tracking my shipment but isn't actually delivering it?

Cause thing is if UPS is actually delivering my package I'll have to make sure I'll be at home, since the nearest UPS depot to pick up missed shipments is two hours away. Anyone know more about this?

Not sure.. When I ordered, I stated Air.. Kinda wish I now ordered express.. :P

- Eisner
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It just means that the paperwork (typically electronic) has been accepted and the sender has been given a tracking number, but the actual parcel may not have been picked up or delivered to a UPS depo yet, depending on when the paperwork was accepted (eg. you could get a tracking number at 3am, but they might not pick up the parcel until 3pm that day).
Yeah, Squidge is very correct.

So yes, your package is coming by UPS, and your tracking number should be active within 24 hrs of that email. Unless the package did not get dropped off or picked up when it should have been.

Okay, colour me confused then. I didn't pick UPS shipping, because I don't want UPS shipping, so why am I getting UPS shipping? Or are they shipping everything out by UPS and it's just a difference between slow UPS or fast UPS? Because I was assuming "airmail" means going through the regular postal services.

And in case anyone's wondering why it's a big deal, here it is; the nearest UPS depot is 2 hours away. I've had tons of problems with truck drivers just kind of deciding to skip my packages because I'm too far out of the way and they're running late, then updating my status with "recipient wasn't at home" when I was at home all day waiting. Once they even did this twice and I was lucky I managed to grab my package on the 3rd attempt, because otherwise I could've paid them extra to schedule an extra drop or watched as my package got returned to sender. And I had to clear out three days of my schedule for this BS.

I'm not exactly thrilled to be repeating that experience when the postal service has an office right around the corner where I could pick up my package after two attempts.
Eniko said:
Okay, colour me confused then. I didn't pick UPS shipping, because I don't want UPS shipping, so why am I getting UPS shipping? Or are they shipping everything out by UPS and it's just a difference between slow UPS or fast UPS? Because I was assuming "airmail" means going through the regular postal services.

And in case anyone's wondering why it's a big deal, here it is; the nearest UPS depot is 2 hours away. I've had tons of problems with truck drivers just kind of deciding to skip my packages because I'm too far out of the way and they're running late, then updating my status with "recipient wasn't at home" when I was at home all day waiting. Once they even did this twice and I was lucky I managed to grab my package on the 3rd attempt, because otherwise I could've paid them extra to schedule an extra drop or watched as my package got returned to sender. And I had to clear out three days of my schedule for this BS.

I'm not exactly thrilled to be repeating that experience when the postal service has an office right around the corner where I could pick up my package after two attempts.

Wow, I would have called their superiors and bitched my head off. To Make sure those sons of bitches got punished.

-God Ginrai
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