Update The Front Page Already!

the pspupdates thing is nothing to do with competition, its the way that pspupdates run their site, from what i have heard its sorted out now anyway.

competition dosnt always lead to trouble, i am very good friends with kojote/pdroms (for several years) and wraggster/dcemu amongst others and we usually speak to each other on irc most days, give each other news etc.

i know i wont be combining any sites with other peoples, my site was originally split into several sites, gba, gp32, zodiac etc but now they are merged into one site for ease of use, had enough of combining for now :)
Yeah, you know, I hate you all, Guyfawkes, Kojote and wraggster :P

I am the only ruler of the world... if I would find the time to rule it, that is :lol: