and the wifi connection seemed better and everything on the previous beta, so much so that I actually downloaded the beta 2 version straight onto my Pandroa, just to see how ong it would take (seemed to kinda cycle from 30-60kb which was an improvement on previous version when it'd simply drop to a crawl and refuse to go back up again). Are there any terminal tricks I might try to improve matters? (I am a newbie in Linux)
If HF is a couple weeks off, we coudl probabyl add some 'reassign to tab <foo>' type operations to minimenu, but got lots I want to do, not sure our or my timeline
Jeff I just had a thought about this. Perhaps you could actually make the re-assigner (which basically just created and amends .ovr's right?) a separate application? So when the user selects 'move to' an external application is launched. To the end user, nothing is different; it just appears like it's a sub-menu from mini menu... but it would mean that other menus systems (and even XFCE if a hook into the panel 'start' menu right click context menu is possible) could make use of it.
and the wifi connection seemed better and everything on the previous beta, so much so that I actually downloaded the beta 2 version straight onto my Pandroa, just to see how ong it would take (seemed to kinda cycle from 30-60kb which was an improvement on previous version when it'd simply drop to a crawl and refuse to go back up again). Are there any terminal tricks I might try to improve matters? (I am a newbie in Linux)
I had the reverse problem when I flashed to a previous beta, I couldn't stop the wifi turning on automatically on every boot (as expected the magical Pandora elves on the forums sorted me out!!). go to Settings>Startup (not Session and Startup), enter you password, then open up Enable/Disable Services on Boot. In there you can select automatic Wifi on booting up.
You had to
Go to System/Startup to enabl WiFi on startup.
That has been the case with HF4 as well, but it's a one-time-thing, so most probably don't remember
You had to
Go to System/Startup to enabl WiFi on startup.
That has been the case with HF4 as well, but it's a one-time-thing, so most probably don't remember