Unreal Tournament Music?


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
I really like the music in Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y.E. but it's in a weird format, so I can't just use winamp or something to listen to it. Does anybody know where I can download the music for UT G.O.T.Y.E., or, If that's warez, where I can purchase the soundtrack? Also, is it possible to select music in UT, so I can have it play my favorite song instead of just hoping that it chooses a good song? Thanks.
The only hassle would be if you don't have a music editting program to trim off any unwanted parts of the track (silences on the ends of the track and such). Personally, I have Sonic Foundry's Acid 4.0, so I can do that. I haven't really found anything free that works like that though.
Note: I'm not completely certain this will work for you, but this has worked for me on many occasions. The only thing I might be worried about is lagging your computer and slowing down the music. But here goes anyways :crosses fingers:.

Download this program: Opd2d. I can't remember if it installs or if you have to create a shortcut for it, though.

Then you just select a file name (remember to add .WAV to the end of the file or else it won't be recognized as a music file by windows). Set an amount of time or space for the track. I would set time and set it for a few minutes longer than you expect it to be, because you can still just stop it whenever you want. Hit record right before the music from the game comes on.

That's pretty much it, then you can use something like Acid or Cakewalk to cut off the ends of the tracks where it may be useless silence, if you have one of them that is. Then I would encode to mp3 using LAME/RazorLame. But that's just what I usually do with that kind of stuff.

EDIT: Some dumb typos that may not have made sense originally. Hope I got them all.

EDIT II: Oh yeah, and you have unfortunately have to Alt-F4 it to close the program, it has no close button on it.
UT GOTY edition? That's still plain old UMX-music, nah? So just use a player that can play that format, such as XMPlay (http://www.un4seen.com/), or use a Winamp-plugin, such as http://www.winamp.com/plugins/details.php?id=49627, if you really need to use Winamp. :P

As for selecting a song in UT, iirc there are mutators that'll let you do so. Browse around at some of more known UT sites and you're bound to find them.