Unboxing the pandora dev kit .. some new pics


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
(new pics, but you're not going to see anything you haven't already seen. Still, I thought you might like some pics :)

Since gp32x is down, I posted it to my blog:

http://www.codejedi.com/cgi-bin/blog.cg ... oxing.blog

A nice image:

Take a peek!

For serial, I used a serial-9 -> USB adapter and just plugged it into my lappy and worked a treat. I kept a copy of the bootup console goods and dmesg output. Looks like I've got the old 128MB model which is way fine for the stuff I'll be tossing at it right away..

I sent an email to the devs to see what their thoughts are .. ie: I could put up the text of that boot in case it interests anyone; but at the same time since this is a older model dev unit a lot of the info could be out of date and subjec tto change and might cause them grief if people start freaking out :) Its a togh line.. how much is too open versus not being open enough and all that. I've run a lot of projecfts and when I get too open, its a never ending stream of email support suddenly.. ugh :)

Hand made modification from u21 pin5 to u21 pin12, they added a capacitor. But can't say why...

It is not a final board, for sure.

(And even if it were .. it is not uncommon for companies tro do last minute jumps and such in initial revisions..)

Gah in a rush butmore later :)

VERY sexy. I like the addon board. No screen, eh?

So, what will you be devving?
Actually I do have the LCD panel as well :)

I've got a number of things I'm working on and plan to work on, but there is also a 'job jar' I think the guys are putting together, so I'll take a look there in hopes I can produce something needed. Stilo, my usual emus and games and some other stuff, and maybe maintain a toolchain and some libs and try to kick off some wikis and things, who knows :) (shortlist .. my emus like the ST emu and a few other ST emus, text adventures, BattleJewels .. maybe some frontends for things.)

Right now its an early stage though so I want to nail down what exactly we're expecting ot ship with, and start documentin it, so peopel can write code. I mean .. we're likely Angstrom, but GPE? Opie? KDE? QT? GTK? What sort of li bs are we going to have, and what sort of environments (gmenu on framebuffer, or on X11? what about switching..)

Lots to do and document..

Good stuff. You better hold your promises and put the board to good use, or I'll pay you a little visit :D
What, after all these years, you think for one minute I can even stand to have a device in my house that doesn't run an ST emu?

I'll do what I can; this is Sparta!!

skeezix said:
What, after all these years, you think for one minute I can even stand to have a device in my house that doesn't run an ST emu?

I'll do what I can; this is Sparta!!

Well that's certainly good news. a portable ST emulator would be great. I have a 520ST, but it doesn't work :(
So the identity of the manufacturing facility is out of the bag now?