Ultima 7

Who thinks somebody will read this thread and actually port the game? I'd really like to see it but not that many Cool Ideas and other wishes are actually created in this forum.
Man, if someone ported Ultima 7, little white piece of plastic (GP32) would bring me more joy than anything! I can see it....Sitting in the car, playing Ultima 7, baking bread.......Heaven on Earth, I say!
what is the fixation with baking bread in ultima LOL.

The ol' Guardians head is what I am looking forward to..!

jegHegy posted on Oct 27 2003 at 12:17 PM said:
i want to bake bread ;_; seriously though, i might fiddle around with the sources in a few weeks/months/whatever after i'm done with a few other non-gp32 related projects
I'm creating a shrine to you as I type!

I'd like to make a sword too.
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what is the fixation with baking bread in ultima LOL.

That is just used as an example of how much freedom you have in that game, and how diverse the styles of play are. I, for one, love to just walk around the towns taking stuff from peoples houses and baking bread.(I don't remember if this is true in Ultima 7, but in U4, I used to just walk around and kill people. MUAHAHAHHA Boy, I need to replay U7)
I, for one, love to just walk around the towns taking stuff from peoples houses and baking bread

Yeah, I used to like rumaging through peoples drawers and things - found some quite interesting stuff too.

If I recall correctly some items were actually hidden within clothes that you had to move out of the way!!!!!!

I want to play this game again so badly! :blink:
There are locked chests in people's house and the keys are hidden under plantpots!

There are loads of really cool subquests too, such as gaining the hoe of destruction, quality weapon!

And it's all totally non-linear with a great plot to boot, just amazing...
I managed to get exhult working on my PC and have THe Black Gate, Forge of Virtue, Serpents Isle and the other one (whose name escapes me) on my PC at home which I have been playing all weekend - i forgot how good this game was!!

Hope someone can have a serious go at porting it soon - personally, id pay a few £ for the pleasure - anyone?
me too, u7 on the gp32 would totally rock.. perhaps some coder will try it...
what about you craigx :) no better port than doom yet i think!
OMG!! I just had this wild idea, and come here and you lot are already discussing it!! Exult is a brilliant project thats really well developed, they must have done most of the hard work on the pc version by now and the source is there and waiting...

U7 is the most amazing game(s) ever, nothing has ever been close to match its depth..

So is there a possibility of setting up some sponsorship for the coder, like getting folks to make paypal donations or something? I don't know about it but I'm sure it happens..

Keep Ultima 7 alive guys :) :) :)
