Uk Shipping Changed To Ups

Monk said:
iprice said:
...Or worse posting a note to say that I wasn't in, when I definitely have been in, but they failed to make contact. And I then had to go and collect the item from their depot. I've seen Royal Mail do this to others too.

It used to be that if you complained that they did this - playing postman's knock, in effect - that they'd tell you their posties would do no such thing - "what would they have to gain from it?" (leaving you feeling that you had to come up with some motivation to back your claim up).

Well, it turns out that their posties have increasingly short time to complete their rounds. I don't want to get into too much speculation on how hard they used to work vs how hard they work now, but they can be finacially penalised for being late - so it CAN be in their interest to knock and move on rather than knock and wait for you to get there all the way from upstairs. Heaven forfend you should have a bowel movement, or nip out to the garden!

I've caught them leaving a note before (without knocking) only to be told they don't even have the package and the note was written before they even went on the round.

This is quite common practice now.
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craigix said:
I've caught them leaving a note before (without knocking) only to be told they don't even have the package and the note was written before they even went on the round.

This is quite common practice now.

I've never had problems with royal mail or parcel force, but those couriers!
They lie that they've been around after you've taken a day off and when you pull them up on it they say, well it was a mistake it wasn't even put on the van :)

Still think it's for the better, not sure if they've cleared all the back log they had from the strikes lol
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Yeah UPS are cool we use them 3-4 times a day at work always on time and never a problem! Don't worry guys it's not going to be like the opening scene to Ace Ventura pet detective :p

I'm glad were not receiving via slug mail
Don't get me started on Royal Mail .....Damn.....too late!

the last thing I got through Royal Fail parcels was a parcel 3ft x 1ft x 1ft marked all over with "fragile" "delicate" "keep dry" etc, it had a boot print on the crushed end, and somebody had run it through with a bloody sword or something, there was a hole in one side and an "exit wound" on the other, amazingly, despite their best efforts, the contents where undamaged, I wouldn't trust em to deliver anvils intact...

thought...maybe the fragile labels provoke their sub standard staff to "do your worst" or something?, there was a TV program ("Dispatches" or "Newsnight", can`t recall) where it was said a music reviewer was only getting 30% of the CD's sent to him for review, the rest where "lost in the post", Royal Mail where asked and trotted out "well we move a lot of letters a day, some are bound to get lost" argument, yeah, like only the high value parcels or ones that look like CD's get lost, going to the same guy, over a period of months, yeah, right,

in the same program they said ex-staff who had been sacked or left after complaining about other staff stealing where just "bitter, ex workers with an axe to grind", even those that quit when the management did nothing where "bitter....", well, yes, they might have been, for a reason?

apparently, they also "lose" credit cards, recorded parcels, above normal amounts of parcels from websites who sell mobiles and small high tech/high value stuff etc, etc, but they still have the same "nothing wrong here" attitude, at one time the one organisation who could be trusted with your goods was Royal Mail, they even used to mail diamonds from Dutch dealers to London Jewellers, being a postman was a serious job, they even took an oath to protect and deliver the mail (now discontinued afaik, it's "unreasonable" apparently), now days we have nutters hoarding peoples mail rather than bother to deliver it, people reading their neighbours mail, stupid amounts of inexplicable and massive parcel damage and rife stealing from sorting offices that's ignored by the management, about the only thing going for them WAS they where cheap, now they are not even that.
Don't forget that evey year about this time Royal Mail take on temporary staff to help with the surge in parcels and envelopes - quite a lot of themThis year they have taken on more temporary staff who are looking to get paid to collect some free xmas gifts than ever before (about 30,000 extra bodies IIRC).

I didn't type that out loud, did I?

Demand is so high that recruits are being told they can start straight after their initial interview, assuming they pass security checks.

Postal work - it's like being paid to have a go on a tombola
hobbyman II said:
Don't get me started on Royal Mail .....Damn.....too late!

LOL, at least you held yourself back.
My brother when ordering stuff from amazon had to start to get them delivered somewhere else, because they stopped sending them to his house because he had to keep reporting that he never recieved it. It's funny how it only started when a new postman started doing that round :D
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Monk said:
Don't forget that evey year about this time Royal Mail take on temporary staff to help with the surge in parcels and envelopes - quite a lot of themThis year they have taken on more temporary staff who are looking to get paid to collect some free xmas gifts than ever before (about 30,000 extra bodies IIRC).

I didn't type that out loud, did I?

Demand is so high that recruits are being told they can start straight after their initial interview, assuming they pass security checks.

Postal work - it's like being paid to have a go on a tombola
I do hope there's nobody with the surname Monk expecting a Pandora in the post :p
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Nation.A.List said:
Monk said:
Postal work - it's like being paid to have a go on a tombola
I do hope there's nobody with the surname Monk expecting a Pandora in the post :p

That'd be awkward, wouldn't it? I'm hoping to get mine via UPS :D
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I don't remember anymore (hey, it's been more than a year!) how shipping was supposed to be for other EU countries. I really hope it was via Roal Mail though, because if it's via UPS it _will_ cost me a lot extra. They will add VAT (I'm not in EU) with a fork, by randomly adding maybe 30% to the price, then add an imagined shipping fee (even if one was included in the original invoice), then add a VAT handling charging fee, and _THEN_ add the VAT itself (25% here) on the whole accumulated lot. I'm getting a lot of stuff via UPS, and it's always like this. And slow, and untrackable (they just leave it with some other operator as soon as the parcel has arrived in the country).
krosfyah said:
I would've preferred Citylink but UPS are ok too. Anything is better than Royal Fail or Parcel Farce.

So I'm not alone then.

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banjeed said:
You've all got it all wrong top secret training document

I live in the US so I rarely have to deal with Royal Mail but I haven't had a problem with them. There have been times though when UPS and USPS mangled packages being delivered to me even from short distances. One box was mailed from a local BestBuy by USPS and went from cube to pancake shape over the 20 mile distance. When my USPS mail person handed me the smooshed box I couldn't help but laughing at its condition. Fortunately it was a spindle of DVD+R discs so they arrived intact. He told me sometimes the machines can catch a box and do their worst to it. :D
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In my experience CityLink have been the best overall. Our local Royal Mail postman, however, has been excellent lately by actually returning to our house later in his round to try a re-delivery. I'm hopeless at keeping track of the craptons of things I receive, but things have occasionally vanished- assuming they were ever posted to be in the first place - and such vanishing always affects a Parcel Force/Royal Mail item.

DHL I wouldn't touch with a ten foot barge pole, do they even still operate? Parcel Farce will do everything within their power to utterly destroy any parcel they're tasked to deliver. I really have little experience with UPS.
sverm said:

Wow, will you look at the size of those.

The boxes, I mean the boxes - they're a bit big for a handheld gaming system is what I'm getting at. Honest.
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