

Still Fresh
May 27, 2010
There is probably a topic about this, but I have seriously bricked my wiz! Everything in the nand is pretty much gone, and I can't even get it to boot all the way! I tried to restore the firmware, but I don't have an sd to usb adapter :0

Is there any way to somehow restore from a usb host or anything?
I'm pretty sure I had firmware 1.10 before this
songhead95 said:
There is probably a topic about this, but I have seriously bricked my wiz! Everything in the nand is pretty much gone, and I can't even get it to boot all the way! I tried to restore the firmware, but I don't have an sd to usb adapter :0

Is there any way to somehow restore from a usb host or anything?
I'm pretty sure I had firmware 1.10 before this

Maybe click on the link 2 posts above yours? It's called "How to unbrick your Wiz." Here's the link.


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before you go through the hell of the unbricking tutorial, try to get some SD card adapter or even a friends laptop and try installing the firmware, first 1.1.0 and then 1.2.1. then everything should be on track again. glossywhite's tutorial describes how to unbrick your wiz from a state where it hangs before the firmware upgrade process from SD card can be started ...
Yay! I've both un-bricked my wiz, and gotten the newest firmware! two birds with one stone!