uae4all help


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
I have read the documentation & several other help threads, however none of them help me with my problem:

After launching the .pnd no folder is automatically created..? i have then tried to create the structure myself (is this possible) and placed the correct (512kb) kick13.rom, kick20.rom, kick30.rom (all work in windows emulator) and i constantly receive the: no kickstart rom error..? i'm all out of ideas, can anyone help..?
Sorry if you've already seen this from the Tips and Tweaks section of the Support Forum (?) but it's something of a guide to setting it up and may be of use.

Thanks, but that was the first thing i looked at, and it doesn't address the issue of a folder not being created.. anybody got any other suggestions.. (please)
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Where did you download UAE4All from? There are a couple of versions, after all... :P My best suggestion would be to try downloading it from another source and starting over, at this point.

Myself, I use the "Nubs Version" from the repo, and that definitely works as it should.
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Sorry if you've already seen this from the Tips and Tweaks section of the Support Forum (?) but it's something of a guide to setting it up and may be of use.

Thanks, but that was the first thing i looked at, and it doesn't address the issue of a folder not being created.. anybody got any other suggestions.. (please)

The folder does not get automatically created.

You have to manually create the pandora/appdata/uae4all/ directory and then place your kickstart rom in that directory.

The kickstart rom MUST be named "kick.rom". (you can rename one of your existing working rom files).

Once you do that and then run uae4all the first time, uae4all will THEN create all of the required directories under pandora/appdata/uae4all/

I just did it, and after the first run uae4all creates these directories:









This using the the latest ( version from the repo.

Good luck.
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I PND'd this up on behalf of john4p who was working on the emulator, I added a few things like the creation of the blank disks for save games. For some reason, and I never managed to solve it, I found that it did not always create the uae4all folder in pandora/appdata/. However, this appeared to only be the case for some, it worked fine for me and others have said the same.

I remember a thread where a few had reported this problem, I took a look and was not able to recreate it on my Pandora, so couldn't solve the issue.

As bagmouse 7 says, create the uae4all folder in pandora/appdata and put in the "kick.rom" and all the other folders should be created.
I have just run it fine on my Pandora. However, I don't know that Tosec rom I used as I actaully converted this from a set of Amiga disks I got from a boot fair years ago for a Windows based emulator.

It is a cracked version though so you should be able to find a version that runs.
Hi guys,

I have got UAE4ALL running fine but having an issue with Alien Breed.

I usually use a real A1200 for Amiga gaming, have the actual disks for my games and the HDD installs, and I am much more at home with the old hardware than with emu, but want portable gaming. It loads up the intro screens fine, asks for the next disk then i just get a blank screen and sound corruption [like cracks and pops/white noise etc] that lasts till i exit to DT.

Tried different settings - anybody running this game ok could let me know what i'm doing wrong please.


Alien Breed works fine here. You probably need different ADFs.

See compatibility list:

So these ADFs are confirmed working:

Alien Breed (1991)(Team 17)(Disk 1 of 3)(Story Disk)

Alien Breed (1991)(Team 17)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk 1)[bootable]

Alien Breed (1991)(Team 17)(Disk 3 of 3)(Game Disk 2)

You don't need the story disk to play the game. Also the game only supports 1 drive so you must put disk 2 in DF0: when you're prompted to.

Ideal resolution is 320x256 - you can quickly switch to it by pressing R+L+4 in-game.

If the picture is not perfectly centered you can move the display up/down with R+L+dpad up/down.
I am turning to the support section in case someone here has experienced my problem and could help.

WHen I first started using UAE4ALL all games worked perfectly for me, no sound or graphical issues.

Then, from one day to another (I think it's when I upgraded to the latest UAE4All version, released end of May), I started to experience stuttering sound. I did not change anything in the configuration of UAE4All. All that time I was on Beta3.

I then upgraded to Beta5 and this did not solve the problem either.

I erased the appdata files (but not the folders). No change either. Still get stuttering sound.

I am desperate to get the sound working again. Any idea what I should do ??
Not sure.You could play around with the sound options in case a bad configuration got saved or something.Maybe keep your roms but delete uae4all completely and re-install it afresh.That might work.