Two things...


Still Fresh
Feb 27, 2011
I have two issues with my Pandora, The first is best best described with a question...

Has anyone else noticed that there is a little play in the nubs range of motion? It seems there is a rather large deadzone in my left nub, and it is bad enough where it's impossible to sneak around in super mario 64 (It's either run or don't) and I can't turn in f-zero without spinning out. I've switched the nub mappings around, and the right nub isn't AS bad. Maybe it's a common thing, I dunno.

My second issue is with SD card slot 2: It doesn't work... at all.

I've read through another guys thread who has the same problem as me. The light blinks, but then nothing after that, and I've tried several different cards. I've opened my pandy up to fix an issue with the L button, So I think my warranty is void. Any suggestions?