

Oct 29, 2005

I need to buy some cables while I order a TV-Out, so I have a few questions.

1) Are the audio plugs female and the S-Video male? Or are both the video and audio female?

2) Will a S-Video to RCA adapter degrade the image quality?

3) Would a S-Video to RCA cable be better than the adapter?

4) Would I be fine without a power adapter for now? (tight budget :( )

Much appreciated,
1) Both female
2) Mine does but there are better ones than the one i have.
3) Again depends on the conversion method used but i think both are the simple not-that-great quality ones.
4) Dunno
1) All connectors are female, You can use standard (male to male) RCA cables for audio but , you will need a (male to female) svideo to rca converter/adapter to use a standard rca (male to male) cable from the tvout adapter to the tv

TVout adapter(F)--------->(M)Svideo to RCA adapter(F)---->(M)RCA Video cable(M)----->(F)TV RCA JACK

TVout adapter RCA L+R(F)--------->(M)RCA CABLE(M)-------->(F) TV RCA Audio Jack

-or - a svideo extension cable (male to male)

TVout adapter(F)--------->(M) Svideo extension cable(M)----->(F)TV Svideo Jack

TVout adapter RCA L+R(F)--------->(M)RCA CABLE(M)-------->(F) TV RCA Audio Jack

2)yes, there is significant signal degradation and color bleeding using a step down (svideo to RCA) adapter or cable-svideo if possible is preferable.

3) see #2

4) you do not need an adapter, but TV out is extreemly battery intensive with the recaling chip taking more juice than the whole unit usually draws. Expect less than 1/2 of the battery life, even with quality 2500-2700 MAH nihm rechargables.

Hope this is helpful, I know that I had problems with ordering the wrong adapters.

My Story:

Apparently I got one of the first 200 TVout adapters produced that had a male Svideo out from the Adapter (I bought an Svideo to RCA Adapter, and when it came I got a (M-F) and was pissed off because it didnt fit, I reordered and finally got a (F-F) I could use.

Then I got a new TV with an Svideo Jack and ran out and bought an 12' Svideo cord (M-M) only to realize when I got home that what was needed was an svideo (F-F) adapter to connect it to the TVout cables supplied by Gamepark. I said screw this waiting for an adapter for another week and bought a 12' (F-M) Svideo extension cable on ebay for $6.57 US and havent looked back. It was the most cost effective solution and gave the best picture quality.

Needless to say, all this running around lessend my enjoyment of the TVout capabilities.

I thought, somewhat loudly to myself "All this could have been solved if Gamepark had made a standard svideo (F) on the TVout adapter so it could connect to standard cables without investing in adapters.......Did they really think anyone was going to use the TVout to play games on the screen on the front of the set while connected to back of the set with a 4" cable???? :rolleyes: Either make the cable long enough, or put the right connector on to use standard cables to reach the set."

That said now that Ive got it set up properly I love TVout! Its so much fun to sit in the living room and play emus on a big screen like they were meant to be enjoyed. I love this little unit! :D

[edit] since writing this I found out from craigx that all new TVout adapters have a female svideo out and are compatable with standard (M-M) Svideo Cables. Thats great news!

Cheers! B)

Note:[edited] due to bone headed mistake with Svideo connections. Appparently, the first 200 or so TVout Adapters had a male Svideo line out (mine did), they have since been changed and are all female. This post has been edited to reflect connections for the new adapters!
Cervante posted on Sep 30 2006 at 09:51 PM said:
How do I turn off the sound on my GP2X when using T out?, I dont really see the point having it on if I can hear it on my TV

its not possible so far.
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suppafly posted on Sep 30 2006 at 11:17 PM said:
Cervante posted on Sep 30 2006 at 09:51 PM said:
How do I turn off the sound on my GP2X when using T out?, I dont really see the point having it on if I can hear it on my TV

its not possible so far.

Yeah it is.

Just plug something into the headphone port.
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hitbyambulance posted on Oct 1 2006 at 03:57 AM said:
both of the S-Video cables i have are M-M... so that isn't standard?

You are asolutely right! My original post ws in error due to copious consumption of potent alcoholic beverages, double fisted mind

Ooops! :o Too many beers last night.

I [edited] my post-its fixed now.

Sorry for any confusion! ;)
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g4m3r posted on Oct 1 2006 at 05:32 PM said:
Sorry for double posting, but would these be good to buy?

Which would be set up as...

TV-Out S-Video(M)---->(F)S-Video to S-Video(M)--->(F)S-Video to RCA(M)---->TV

Edit: The extension cable I wanted is out of stock so would this be ok with a set-up like this...

TV-Out S-Video(M)---->(F)S-Video Coupler(F)--->(M)S-Video Cable(M)--->(F)S-Video to RCA(M)---->TV

Both options will work. You will experience the noted signal degradation with any "step down" e.g. Svideo to RCA adapter though. The configuraton I suggested:

TVout(M)--->(F)Svideo to Rca Converter(F)--->(M)RCA Video Cable(M)---->(F)RCA TV JACK.

was just because RCA video cables are generally cheaper than Svideo cables, and most folks have a few kicking around from other appliances without buying a new one.

That said, since the Svideo to RCA adapter seems to be a high quality step down converter (bi directional is unnecessary, but the specs seem much better than the one I used), you may experience less degradation running a solid svideo feed into it, and then strait into the set. I expect the difference will be minimal and in the end more expensive with 2 adapters and an svideo cable but its probably the best you'll get without going Svideo completely.

I know when I bought my new 27" TV from Walmart for $207.00 US(super cheap), I was surprised that it had RCA, Svideo, as well as Component video connectors.....Happy me! When I switched from (RCA out) on my Dish network DVR to the (Svideo out) I couldnt believe the increase in picture quality (seriously about 10x better with much better color separation/clarity). When I changed over from (RCA out) on my Progressive scan DVD player to (Component Out) the difference as even more startling (about 5x better quality than Svideo). Component is the best picture quality before making the jump to Hi "Hi Cost" and totally out of my price range. Hell, I gotta keep myself in beer.... :D

Best of luck! :)
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craigix posted on Oct 1 2006 at 06:59 PM said:
The TV out cable is all female.

No offence Craigx, But the Svideo connector on my TVout cable is Male

Has pins, inserts into something=Male

Has solid face, pins insert into it=female


This is the same Svideo connector I have that comes out of the ext connector, look at the Svideo one=has pins,just like mine.

svideo male to rca male adapter

And here see 4 pin din:

Din Pinouts

Are the newer cables different?

If so, I'm in error but every source Ive checked states that a connector with pins is male, a connector with recesses for those pins is female. Mines got pins, hence its male.

It was the spec that said that the TVout Svideo was female that led to my buying the wrong adapter and 12' (M-M) cable that of course did not fit.

whatchathinkboutthat? :huh:
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g4m3r posted on Oct 1 2006 at 10:51 PM said:
The new cables are all female?

Good thing I didn't order anything yet! :)

That remains to be seen, Craigx should know if there has been a change in the cables since I bought mine on 6/26/06 from Or he may be going on the same spec sheet I saw. I havent heard that there was a change, and like I said the specs when I bought mine said they were all female, and the Svideo on mine is most definitely male. If they have fixed this, it makes the connections much more straitforward.

Update:Check out this thread:

Embarrassingly Stooopid Tv-out Question

In it others state that their TVout cables have pinouts as well making their TVout Svideo line(Male). Also Nubi does a fine job of explaining why there is so much signal degradation using RCA.

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craigix posted on Oct 2 2006 at 10:28 AM said:
Only the first 200 or so were male, ever since then they have been all female.

Thanx Craigx! :D That solves the mystery! I guess i was one of the lucky ones <_<

I'll edit my original post to g4m3r to reflect this so that nobody searching the forums and finding this post will be misled/confused.
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Morpheus384 posted on Oct 2 2006 at 02:25 PM said:
craigix posted on Oct 2 2006 at 10:28 AM said:
Only the first 200 or so were male, ever since then they have been all female.
Thanx Craigx! :D That solves the mystery! I guess i was one of the lucky ones <_<

I'll edit my original post to g4m3r to reflect this so that nobody searching the forums and finding this post will be misled/confused.
I bought mine from GP32z about the same time as you, and, yes, it has a male S-video connector. <_<
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g4m3r posted on Oct 2 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
Would this adapter be ok?;tab=summary

Or should I stick to the one I posted, which is this one...

Thank you very much.

Both will work fine and seem to be of the same or approximate quality. Id go with the first one since its cheaper, but thats just me. I found that in looking for mine they run from 3.00 US to 26.00 us with no discernable difference in quality. Both your examples look superior to the one I used.

Of course the connections would be:

TVout(F)---->(M) Svideo cable(M)----->(F)Svideo to RCA Adapter(M)-----(F)TV Svideo jack

Assuming you get a newer adapter craig spoke of, which you should.

Happy Gaming :)

shinneri posted on Oct 2 2006 at 07:21 PM said:
Morpheus384 posted on Oct 2 2006 at 02:25 PM said:
craigix posted on Oct 2 2006 at 10:28 AM said:
Only the first 200 or so were male, ever since then they have been all female.
Thanx Craigx! :D That solves the mystery! I guess i was one of the lucky ones <_<

I'll edit my original post to g4m3r to reflect this so that nobody searching the forums and finding this post will be misled/confused.
I bought mine from GP32z about the same time as you, and, yes, it has a male S-video connector. <_<

Yeah, shinneri I guess we were the lucky ones <_< . But at least the nubis wont have to go through the hassles we faced. :lol:
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